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Yong Chan Lee |
Professor of Medicine Director, Gastrointestinal Research Laboratory Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Univ. California San Francisco San Francisco, USA |
Jong Pil Im | Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea |
Robert S. Bresalier | University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, USA |
Steven H. Itzkowitz | Mount Sinai Medical Center, NY, USA |
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Akinari Sawada1 , Daniel Sifrim2
, Yasuhiro Fujiwara1
Correspondence to: Akinari Sawada
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Gut Liver 2023;17(6):831-842.
Published online January 2, 2023, Published date November 15, 2023
Copyright © Gut and Liver.
Reflux hypersensitivity (RH) is one of the phenotypes of gastroesophageal reflux disease. The latest Rome IV defines RH as a condition with typical reflux symptoms and positive reflux-symptom association despite normal acid exposure. Subsequently, the Lyon consensus proposed detailed cutoff values for the criteria on the basis of experts’ consensus. Rome IV brought a clear-cut perspective into the pathophysiology of gastroesophageal reflux disease and the importance of esophageal hypersensitivity. This perspective can be supported by the fact that other functional gastrointestinal disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome and functional dyspepsia often overlap with RH. Although several possible pathophysiological mechanisms of esophageal hypersensitivity have been identified, there is still unmet medical needs in terms of treatment for this condition. This review summarizes the current knowledge regarding RH.
Keywords: Reflux hypersensitivity, Gastroesophageal reflux disease, Functional esophageal disorders, Impedance-pH monitoring, Behavioral disorders
Reflux hypersensitivity (RH) is one of the functional esophageal disorders in Rome IV.1 RH is defined as patients with typical reflux symptoms having normal acid exposure and positive reflux symptom association. The definition of RH, formerly called hypersensitive esophagus, changed with the revision of the Rome criteria. In the previous criteria (Rome III), RH and patients with abnormal acid exposure were encompassed within the same entity (i.e., nonerosive reflux disease [NERD]) in spite of inconsistency in response to acid suppression therapy and mechanisms of reflux symptom generation.2 Subsequently, Rome IV introduced a new classification of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) including a specific category called RH on the basis of the balance between two main pathophysiological parameters: esophageal acid exposure and esophageal hypersensitivity. For acid exposure, highly effective therapeutic options are available such as acid suppressive therapy and anti-reflux surgery (ARS). The healing of erosive esophagitis (EE) can be achieved in more than 90% of the cases by proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) or potassium-competitive acid blockers (PCABs).3-5 However, these treatments cannot alleviate reflux symptoms enough in up to 48% of reflux patients.6,7 The difference of treatment outcome between mucosal healing and reflux symptoms is probably attributable to esophageal hypersensitivity since there is poor correlation between the severity of mucosal damage and the severity of symptoms.8-10 The process of symptom generation starts from the esophageal sensory nerve fibers stimulated by gastroesophageal reflux, followed by the transmission of the simulation to the central nervous system via vagal afferent nerves or spinal nerves. Although many studies found that there are multitude of central and peripheral factors related to esophageal hypersensitivity, this extremely complex process has not been completely elucidated, and makes the treatment for this condition challenging.
In this comprehensive review, we summarized the current knowledge about RH from epidemiology to treatment.
RH affects a relatively small proportion of patients with GERD. However, the number of RH patients is not negligible considering the high global prevalence of GERD (14.8%).11 Martinez
On-PPI impedance-pH monitoring showed that the RH prevalence in endoscopy-negative patients was similar to that observed in studies performed off-PPI. Roman
The regional difference influences the RH prevalence. Several large Japanese on-PPI studies report that the prevalence of RH is up to 44%, which is higher than in Western countries.18-20
The two experts’ consensuses, Rome IV criteria and the Lyon consensus, are the bedrock of RH diagnosis. Their proposed criteria for RH require dedicated esophageal physiology testing (i.e., manometry and impedance-pH monitoring). Thus, RH is normally diagnosed at tertiary centers due to the availability of such techniques. The Lyon consensus complements Rome IV criteria providing detailed cutoff values, specifically for impedance-pH monitoring (Fig. 2).
The latest Rome IV criteria classifies GERD into four phenotypes as follows: (1) EE, (2) NERD, (3) RH, (4) FH.1 It is suggested that acid exposure predominantly accounts for esophageal symptoms in EE and NERD whilst esophageal hypersensitivity overrides acid reflux in RH and FH.
The diagnostic criteria of RH are as follows: (1) retrosternal symptoms including heartburn and chest pain; (2) normal endoscopy and absence of evidence that eosinophilic esophagitis is the cause for symptoms; (3) absence of major esophageal motor disorders (achalasia/esophagogastric junction outflow obstruction, diffuse esophageal spasm, jackhammer esophagus, absent peristalsis); and (4) evidence of triggering of symptoms by reflux events despite normal acid exposure on pH only or impedance-pH monitoring.
The last condition has been amended from Rome III as response to antisecretory therapy is no longer required for the diagnosis. All of the four items must be fulfilled for the past 3 months with symptom onset at least 6 months before diagnosis with a frequency of at least twice a week. In clinical practice, regurgitation is often seen as one of the typical symptoms in RH in spite of the criteria.
The diagnostic work-up incudes multiple biopsies from different levels of the esophagus to exclude eosinophilic esophagitis during endoscopy, high-resolution manometry and pH only or impedance-pH monitoring. High-resolution manometry is essential to exclude motility disorders and locate the upper edge of the lower esophageal sphincter to position esophageal pH sensor precisely.21 Typical reflux symptoms such as heartburn and/or regurgitation can be presented by up to 75%, 35% and 20% of patients with achalasia, hypercontractile esophagus and distal esophageal spasm respectively.22-25
Rome IV also introduces the concept that RH and FH can overlap with proven GERD (i.e., Los Angeles classification grade B/C/D or long segment Barrett’s esophagus) as some patients still suffer from reflux symptoms after the mucosal healing.1,26 This concept seems to be supported by the similar psychological profiles and the prevalence of other functional gastrointestinal disorders such as functional dyspepsia (FD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) between RH/FH with and without proven GERD.27 This kind of overlap between functional and organic disorders is also seen in bowel disorders as some patients with inflammatory bowel diseases suffer from IBS-like symptoms even in remission.28
Although the Rome IV criteria defines RH, there was lack of concrete cutoff values for two conditions, (1) normal esophageal acid exposure and (2) positive symptom reflux association. The Lyon consensus addressed this issue where normal and pathological acid exposure time (AET) were proposed as <4% and >6%, respectively.29 Concerning reflux-symptom association, symptom index (SI) and symptom association probability (SAP) are the two most common indices. In many cases, a symptom is considered related to reflux when the symptom is marked within 2 minutes after a reflux episode. SI is the proportion of reflux-related symptoms to the total number of reflux symptoms which considered positive when ≥50%. SAP uses a Fisher exact test for the presence or absence of reflux and/or symptoms for each 2 minutes segment of the entire tracings. A p<0.05 indicates the probability of chance association between reflux symptoms and reflux episodes is <5%, corresponding to a positive SAP (>95%).
The diagnosis of RH can be inconclusive with AET between 4% and 6% and/or only SI or SAP positive. There would be two options to make a robust diagnosis for RH as follows: (1) performing prolonged wireless pH monitoring, or (2) using other MII-pH parameters as a complement. The choice largely depends on local institutional expertise and availability of the techniques.
Wireless pH monitoring can record up to 96 hours, which decreases the influence of day-to-day variability of AET.30 As even healthy subjects have pathological AET at times, RH patients can be diagnosed as NERD if tested with 24-hour pH metry on the worst reflux day. Hasak
Several studies demonstrated esophageal hypersensitivity to noxious stimuli in GERD patients. Trimble
Reflux symptoms can occur when the refluxate comes in contact with the esophageal mucosa. In EE, such stimuli including acid, bile, and pepsin can reach sensory afferent nerve endings in the esophageal wall via the mucosal deficit.37 On the other hand, microscopic mucosal damage impairs MI in NERD. MI reflects barrier function of the mucosa, which can be measured
Esophageal mucosal dilated intercellular space (DIS) is a histological condition associated with impaired MI. There is a causal link between DIS and MI as acid and bile perfusion cause both conditions simultaneously.38,41 DIS can be found not only in EE and NERD but also in patients with normal AET.37,42,43 Thus, DIS could explain the mechanism of symptom perception in RH. However, it should be noted that DIS can be found in up to 30% of asymptomatic subjects.44 On top of that, the DIS is predominantly located in the basal layer, which questions whether it truly increases epithelial permeability for noxious substances from the luminal side.
Despite the orthodox hypothesis that reflux damages esophageal mucosa directly from the luminal side, Souza
Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) also plays an important role in visceral hypersensitivity both at central and peripheral levels via the prostaglandin E2 receptor-1 (EP-1). Kondo
Esophageal afferent sensory nerves are distributed in the esophageal mucosa and are likely to play an important role on perceiving noxious stimuli from the luminal surface. The afferent nerves are normally located closer to the lumen in the proximal esophagus compared to the distal esophagus.51 It might explain acid hypersensitivity in the proximal esophagus.52 Additionally, proximal reflux is one of the determinants triggering reflux symptoms.53,54 Given these findings, the sensitivity of mucosal afferent nerves presumably depends on its proximity to the lumen. Our previous study found that NERD patients show more superficial mucosal afferent nerve (i.e., closer to the lumen) compared to healthy subjects.55 Thus, the superficial nerve may partly underlie the mechanism of esophageal hypersensitivity. Interestingly, FH patients had mucosal afferent nerve at the similar depth to healthy subjects.56 Esophageal hypersensitivity in FH might be predominantly formed by central factors rather than peripheral factors. Further study is warranted to investigate esophageal mucosal innervation of RH patients.
Transient receptor potential vanilloid receptor-1 (TRPV1) is a polymodal, nociceptive cation channel. TRPV1 can be activated by several exogenous factors including protons (H+), capsaicin and high temperature.57 The expression of TRPV1 can be seen in not only afferent nerve fibers but also non-neural cells.58-60 Guarino
A few studies have reported the role of acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) in human GERD. ASICs are voltage-insensitive epithelial Na+ channels responding to extracellular acidification, which function as nociceptor as well as mechanoreceptor.65 Immunohistochemistry shows increased expression of ASIC3 in NERD compared to FH.62 On the other hand, mRNA expression level of ASIC3 in the esophageal mucosa does not differ between NERD and control.62,66
Proteinase-activated receptor-2 (PAR-2) is a tethered ligand G protein-coupled receptor with seven transmembrane domains. Serine proteases including mast cell tryptase and pancreatic trypsin can activate PAR-2, which leads to visceral hypersensitivity and pain as a result of inflammatory and neuroinflammatory epithelial response via the secretion of IL-8, substance P and calcitonin gene-related peptide.67,68 Kandulski
Sleep disturbance is one of the common coexisting conditions in GERD. In a U.S. nationwide survey of 1,000 patients with at least once-a-week heartburn, 79% of the patients reported nighttime heartburn, and 75% of whom considered the reflux symptoms affected their sleep.70 As for a Japanese nationwide survey, 56.3% of 2,426 patients with heartburn had sleep disorders which was significantly higher than those without (40.7%), and there was a positive correlation between frequency of heartburn and the prevalence of sleep disturbance.71
GERD and sleep disturbance are likely to affect each other bidirectionally. Nighttime reflux provokes heartburn, which leads to difficulty in falling asleep, nocturnal and/or early morning awakening.72 Contrarily, sleep deprivation sensitizes the esophagus to acid and capsaicin (TRPV1 agonist).73,74 It is of interest that this effect was seen in GERD patients, however not in healthy volunteers.73 Sleep disturbance probably affects not only the processing of sensation in the central nervous system but also peripheral sensitivity since acute stress impaired mucosa integrity with DIS in animal study.75 GERD and sleep disturbance can be exacerbated each other in a “vicious cycle” where GERD deteriorates sleep quality which in turn sensitizes the esophagus.73 Our previous study found endoscopy-negative GERD was a significant risk factor of sleep disturbance compared to EE (odds ratio, 2.18; 95% confidence interval, 1.05 to 4.53),76 which might underscore the influence of sleep disturbance towards RH rather than the opposite direction.
It is well known that psychological factors such as anxiety and depression contribute to symptom generation as well as its intensity in many conditions. This is the case in reflux symptoms as there is a higher level of visceral hypersensitivity, anxiety and depression across endoscopy-negative reflux phenotypes (i.e., RH, FH, and NERD) compared to healthy control.77 Moreover, Kessing
Hypervigilance is a mental condition which encompasses several thoughts that drives attention to body sensations, anxiety and expectation about symptoms and fear for the consequences of the symptoms. This condition lowers a threshold to stimuli, that is to say, the patients can perceive no or subtle stimuli which most people cannot (i.e., allodynia), and symptoms can be intensified (i.e., hyperalgesia).79 Taft
Common functional gastrointestinal disorders such as FD and IBS often overlap with GERD.84,85 Our previous study found that FD and IBS coexist with 31% and 29% of GERD patients respectively, and more importantly the overlap worsens health-related quality of life compared to having either one condition.84 In a meta-analysis, IBS patients are more likely to have reflux symptoms compared to non-IBS patients (odds ratio, 4.17; 95% confidence interval, 2.85 to 6.09).86 de Bortoli
Excessive supragastric belching (SGB) and rumination syndrome (RS) are functional gastroduodenal disorders in Rome IV.88 Their impact on PPI refractory GERD has been increasingly recognized recently. In a study by Yadlapati
Belching can be classified into two types, gastric belching and SGB. Gastric belching is a physiological phenomenon to eliminate accumulated air in the proximal stomach through the mouth via transient lower esophageal relaxation. On the other hand, SGB is a behavioral disorder where a patient subconsciously swallows or sucks air from the mouth into the esophagus, then immediately followed by evacuating the air through the mouth using abdominal straining. SGB can cause reflux symptoms in two ways (1) triggering gastroesophageal reflux within a few seconds after the onset of SGB91 or (2) distending the esophagus. In fact, esophageal balloon distension can trigger heartburn sensation.92 Notably, some patients with excessive SGB predominantly complain about reflux symptoms rather than belching symptom.91
RS is defined as the repetitive, effortless regurgitation of recently ingested food into the mouth followed by rechewing and re-swallowing or expulsion of the food bolus.88 Typical RS patients are young female with low body mass index suffering from regurgitation.90 RS uses voluntary, but unconscious abdominal straining to bring up the gastric content into the mouth generating high intragastric pressure.93
SGB and RS patients are often referred to a gastroenterologist as PPI refractory GERD since reflux symptoms due to these conditions do not respond to acid suppression. Therefore, careful medical interview and impedance-pH monitoring would be required to avoid overlooking them.
RH is often diagnosed after unsuccessful PPI/PCAB treatment. However, several studies evaluated the efficacy of PPI on PPI-naïve RH patients. Watson
Histamine2-receptor antagonists are known to have analgesic effects on visceral nociception.96 Rodriguez-Stanley
There are some evidences to support ARS for RH patients. Broeders
Taking these findings into consideration, RH is likely to be a good candidate for ARS as recommended in the ICARUS guidelines.102 Concomitant condition related to abnormal reflux (i.e., hiatus hernia or low MNBI) can further justify its application. However, there is still not enough evidence to support the indication. Furthermore, it should be noted that RH patients in several studies above are diagnosed by on-PPI impedance-pH monitoring. Given that PPIs/PCAB can normalize AET in most patients, RH should be diagnosed off PPI. Thus, we should be very careful about application of ARS to true RH phenotyped off PPI.
Antidepressants are recommended as pain modulators for functional esophageal disorders. Several randomized controlled studies tested the effect of tricyclic antidepressants (TCA) and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) for well-phenotyped RH patients refractory to PPIs. Limsrivilai
Excessive SGB and/or RS require dedicated intervention due to their unignorable impact on reflux symptom burden.90 Although some studies reported the efficacy of baclofen and pregabalin on such behavioral disorders,106,107 cognitive behavioral therapy using diaphragmatic breathing should be attempted first because of the equal or greater efficacy without any adverse effect than the drugs.91,108-110 We reported that cognitive behavioral therapy reduces excessive SGB sufficiently in almost half of the patients.91 Our cognitive behavioral therapy program is composed of 5 sessions during 10 weeks. In brief, it helps patients to understand the mechanism of SGB in cognitive part and learn slow diaphragmatic breathing and mouth opening/tongue position to physically prevent SGB in behavioral part.91,111 In RS, pain modulators (e.g., TCA) might be an additional option if refractory to the diaphragmatic breathing.112
Since the Montreal definition,113 our understanding of GERD has been extended by a great deal of studies. Especially impedance monitoring and prolonged wireless pH metry have contributed to better understanding of RH. This progress led to a new perspective of GERD proposed by Rome IV and the Lyon consensus so that more pathophysiology-focused diagnosis can be made for the four reflux phenotypes including RH. The discovery of fairly high impact of behavioral disorders on reflux symptoms would be another novel finding contributing to identification of true RH. More precise diagnosis is essential for better management. However, treatment modalities for esophageal hypersensitivity are still limited. Further study will be required to understand the pathophysiology of esophageal hypersensitivity and develop new treatments.
No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.
Gut and Liver 2023; 17(6): 831-842
Published online November 15, 2023
Copyright © Gut and Liver.
Akinari Sawada1 , Daniel Sifrim2
, Yasuhiro Fujiwara1
1Department of Gastroenterology, Osaka Metropolitan University Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka, Japan, and 2Wingate Institute of Neurogastroenterology, Blizard Institute, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK
Correspondence to:Akinari Sawada
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Reflux hypersensitivity (RH) is one of the phenotypes of gastroesophageal reflux disease. The latest Rome IV defines RH as a condition with typical reflux symptoms and positive reflux-symptom association despite normal acid exposure. Subsequently, the Lyon consensus proposed detailed cutoff values for the criteria on the basis of experts’ consensus. Rome IV brought a clear-cut perspective into the pathophysiology of gastroesophageal reflux disease and the importance of esophageal hypersensitivity. This perspective can be supported by the fact that other functional gastrointestinal disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome and functional dyspepsia often overlap with RH. Although several possible pathophysiological mechanisms of esophageal hypersensitivity have been identified, there is still unmet medical needs in terms of treatment for this condition. This review summarizes the current knowledge regarding RH.
Keywords: Reflux hypersensitivity, Gastroesophageal reflux disease, Functional esophageal disorders, Impedance-pH monitoring, Behavioral disorders
Reflux hypersensitivity (RH) is one of the functional esophageal disorders in Rome IV.1 RH is defined as patients with typical reflux symptoms having normal acid exposure and positive reflux symptom association. The definition of RH, formerly called hypersensitive esophagus, changed with the revision of the Rome criteria. In the previous criteria (Rome III), RH and patients with abnormal acid exposure were encompassed within the same entity (i.e., nonerosive reflux disease [NERD]) in spite of inconsistency in response to acid suppression therapy and mechanisms of reflux symptom generation.2 Subsequently, Rome IV introduced a new classification of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) including a specific category called RH on the basis of the balance between two main pathophysiological parameters: esophageal acid exposure and esophageal hypersensitivity. For acid exposure, highly effective therapeutic options are available such as acid suppressive therapy and anti-reflux surgery (ARS). The healing of erosive esophagitis (EE) can be achieved in more than 90% of the cases by proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) or potassium-competitive acid blockers (PCABs).3-5 However, these treatments cannot alleviate reflux symptoms enough in up to 48% of reflux patients.6,7 The difference of treatment outcome between mucosal healing and reflux symptoms is probably attributable to esophageal hypersensitivity since there is poor correlation between the severity of mucosal damage and the severity of symptoms.8-10 The process of symptom generation starts from the esophageal sensory nerve fibers stimulated by gastroesophageal reflux, followed by the transmission of the simulation to the central nervous system via vagal afferent nerves or spinal nerves. Although many studies found that there are multitude of central and peripheral factors related to esophageal hypersensitivity, this extremely complex process has not been completely elucidated, and makes the treatment for this condition challenging.
In this comprehensive review, we summarized the current knowledge about RH from epidemiology to treatment.
RH affects a relatively small proportion of patients with GERD. However, the number of RH patients is not negligible considering the high global prevalence of GERD (14.8%).11 Martinez
On-PPI impedance-pH monitoring showed that the RH prevalence in endoscopy-negative patients was similar to that observed in studies performed off-PPI. Roman
The regional difference influences the RH prevalence. Several large Japanese on-PPI studies report that the prevalence of RH is up to 44%, which is higher than in Western countries.18-20
The two experts’ consensuses, Rome IV criteria and the Lyon consensus, are the bedrock of RH diagnosis. Their proposed criteria for RH require dedicated esophageal physiology testing (i.e., manometry and impedance-pH monitoring). Thus, RH is normally diagnosed at tertiary centers due to the availability of such techniques. The Lyon consensus complements Rome IV criteria providing detailed cutoff values, specifically for impedance-pH monitoring (Fig. 2).
The latest Rome IV criteria classifies GERD into four phenotypes as follows: (1) EE, (2) NERD, (3) RH, (4) FH.1 It is suggested that acid exposure predominantly accounts for esophageal symptoms in EE and NERD whilst esophageal hypersensitivity overrides acid reflux in RH and FH.
The diagnostic criteria of RH are as follows: (1) retrosternal symptoms including heartburn and chest pain; (2) normal endoscopy and absence of evidence that eosinophilic esophagitis is the cause for symptoms; (3) absence of major esophageal motor disorders (achalasia/esophagogastric junction outflow obstruction, diffuse esophageal spasm, jackhammer esophagus, absent peristalsis); and (4) evidence of triggering of symptoms by reflux events despite normal acid exposure on pH only or impedance-pH monitoring.
The last condition has been amended from Rome III as response to antisecretory therapy is no longer required for the diagnosis. All of the four items must be fulfilled for the past 3 months with symptom onset at least 6 months before diagnosis with a frequency of at least twice a week. In clinical practice, regurgitation is often seen as one of the typical symptoms in RH in spite of the criteria.
The diagnostic work-up incudes multiple biopsies from different levels of the esophagus to exclude eosinophilic esophagitis during endoscopy, high-resolution manometry and pH only or impedance-pH monitoring. High-resolution manometry is essential to exclude motility disorders and locate the upper edge of the lower esophageal sphincter to position esophageal pH sensor precisely.21 Typical reflux symptoms such as heartburn and/or regurgitation can be presented by up to 75%, 35% and 20% of patients with achalasia, hypercontractile esophagus and distal esophageal spasm respectively.22-25
Rome IV also introduces the concept that RH and FH can overlap with proven GERD (i.e., Los Angeles classification grade B/C/D or long segment Barrett’s esophagus) as some patients still suffer from reflux symptoms after the mucosal healing.1,26 This concept seems to be supported by the similar psychological profiles and the prevalence of other functional gastrointestinal disorders such as functional dyspepsia (FD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) between RH/FH with and without proven GERD.27 This kind of overlap between functional and organic disorders is also seen in bowel disorders as some patients with inflammatory bowel diseases suffer from IBS-like symptoms even in remission.28
Although the Rome IV criteria defines RH, there was lack of concrete cutoff values for two conditions, (1) normal esophageal acid exposure and (2) positive symptom reflux association. The Lyon consensus addressed this issue where normal and pathological acid exposure time (AET) were proposed as <4% and >6%, respectively.29 Concerning reflux-symptom association, symptom index (SI) and symptom association probability (SAP) are the two most common indices. In many cases, a symptom is considered related to reflux when the symptom is marked within 2 minutes after a reflux episode. SI is the proportion of reflux-related symptoms to the total number of reflux symptoms which considered positive when ≥50%. SAP uses a Fisher exact test for the presence or absence of reflux and/or symptoms for each 2 minutes segment of the entire tracings. A p<0.05 indicates the probability of chance association between reflux symptoms and reflux episodes is <5%, corresponding to a positive SAP (>95%).
The diagnosis of RH can be inconclusive with AET between 4% and 6% and/or only SI or SAP positive. There would be two options to make a robust diagnosis for RH as follows: (1) performing prolonged wireless pH monitoring, or (2) using other MII-pH parameters as a complement. The choice largely depends on local institutional expertise and availability of the techniques.
Wireless pH monitoring can record up to 96 hours, which decreases the influence of day-to-day variability of AET.30 As even healthy subjects have pathological AET at times, RH patients can be diagnosed as NERD if tested with 24-hour pH metry on the worst reflux day. Hasak
Several studies demonstrated esophageal hypersensitivity to noxious stimuli in GERD patients. Trimble
Reflux symptoms can occur when the refluxate comes in contact with the esophageal mucosa. In EE, such stimuli including acid, bile, and pepsin can reach sensory afferent nerve endings in the esophageal wall via the mucosal deficit.37 On the other hand, microscopic mucosal damage impairs MI in NERD. MI reflects barrier function of the mucosa, which can be measured
Esophageal mucosal dilated intercellular space (DIS) is a histological condition associated with impaired MI. There is a causal link between DIS and MI as acid and bile perfusion cause both conditions simultaneously.38,41 DIS can be found not only in EE and NERD but also in patients with normal AET.37,42,43 Thus, DIS could explain the mechanism of symptom perception in RH. However, it should be noted that DIS can be found in up to 30% of asymptomatic subjects.44 On top of that, the DIS is predominantly located in the basal layer, which questions whether it truly increases epithelial permeability for noxious substances from the luminal side.
Despite the orthodox hypothesis that reflux damages esophageal mucosa directly from the luminal side, Souza
Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) also plays an important role in visceral hypersensitivity both at central and peripheral levels via the prostaglandin E2 receptor-1 (EP-1). Kondo
Esophageal afferent sensory nerves are distributed in the esophageal mucosa and are likely to play an important role on perceiving noxious stimuli from the luminal surface. The afferent nerves are normally located closer to the lumen in the proximal esophagus compared to the distal esophagus.51 It might explain acid hypersensitivity in the proximal esophagus.52 Additionally, proximal reflux is one of the determinants triggering reflux symptoms.53,54 Given these findings, the sensitivity of mucosal afferent nerves presumably depends on its proximity to the lumen. Our previous study found that NERD patients show more superficial mucosal afferent nerve (i.e., closer to the lumen) compared to healthy subjects.55 Thus, the superficial nerve may partly underlie the mechanism of esophageal hypersensitivity. Interestingly, FH patients had mucosal afferent nerve at the similar depth to healthy subjects.56 Esophageal hypersensitivity in FH might be predominantly formed by central factors rather than peripheral factors. Further study is warranted to investigate esophageal mucosal innervation of RH patients.
Transient receptor potential vanilloid receptor-1 (TRPV1) is a polymodal, nociceptive cation channel. TRPV1 can be activated by several exogenous factors including protons (H+), capsaicin and high temperature.57 The expression of TRPV1 can be seen in not only afferent nerve fibers but also non-neural cells.58-60 Guarino
A few studies have reported the role of acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) in human GERD. ASICs are voltage-insensitive epithelial Na+ channels responding to extracellular acidification, which function as nociceptor as well as mechanoreceptor.65 Immunohistochemistry shows increased expression of ASIC3 in NERD compared to FH.62 On the other hand, mRNA expression level of ASIC3 in the esophageal mucosa does not differ between NERD and control.62,66
Proteinase-activated receptor-2 (PAR-2) is a tethered ligand G protein-coupled receptor with seven transmembrane domains. Serine proteases including mast cell tryptase and pancreatic trypsin can activate PAR-2, which leads to visceral hypersensitivity and pain as a result of inflammatory and neuroinflammatory epithelial response via the secretion of IL-8, substance P and calcitonin gene-related peptide.67,68 Kandulski
Sleep disturbance is one of the common coexisting conditions in GERD. In a U.S. nationwide survey of 1,000 patients with at least once-a-week heartburn, 79% of the patients reported nighttime heartburn, and 75% of whom considered the reflux symptoms affected their sleep.70 As for a Japanese nationwide survey, 56.3% of 2,426 patients with heartburn had sleep disorders which was significantly higher than those without (40.7%), and there was a positive correlation between frequency of heartburn and the prevalence of sleep disturbance.71
GERD and sleep disturbance are likely to affect each other bidirectionally. Nighttime reflux provokes heartburn, which leads to difficulty in falling asleep, nocturnal and/or early morning awakening.72 Contrarily, sleep deprivation sensitizes the esophagus to acid and capsaicin (TRPV1 agonist).73,74 It is of interest that this effect was seen in GERD patients, however not in healthy volunteers.73 Sleep disturbance probably affects not only the processing of sensation in the central nervous system but also peripheral sensitivity since acute stress impaired mucosa integrity with DIS in animal study.75 GERD and sleep disturbance can be exacerbated each other in a “vicious cycle” where GERD deteriorates sleep quality which in turn sensitizes the esophagus.73 Our previous study found endoscopy-negative GERD was a significant risk factor of sleep disturbance compared to EE (odds ratio, 2.18; 95% confidence interval, 1.05 to 4.53),76 which might underscore the influence of sleep disturbance towards RH rather than the opposite direction.
It is well known that psychological factors such as anxiety and depression contribute to symptom generation as well as its intensity in many conditions. This is the case in reflux symptoms as there is a higher level of visceral hypersensitivity, anxiety and depression across endoscopy-negative reflux phenotypes (i.e., RH, FH, and NERD) compared to healthy control.77 Moreover, Kessing
Hypervigilance is a mental condition which encompasses several thoughts that drives attention to body sensations, anxiety and expectation about symptoms and fear for the consequences of the symptoms. This condition lowers a threshold to stimuli, that is to say, the patients can perceive no or subtle stimuli which most people cannot (i.e., allodynia), and symptoms can be intensified (i.e., hyperalgesia).79 Taft
Common functional gastrointestinal disorders such as FD and IBS often overlap with GERD.84,85 Our previous study found that FD and IBS coexist with 31% and 29% of GERD patients respectively, and more importantly the overlap worsens health-related quality of life compared to having either one condition.84 In a meta-analysis, IBS patients are more likely to have reflux symptoms compared to non-IBS patients (odds ratio, 4.17; 95% confidence interval, 2.85 to 6.09).86 de Bortoli
Excessive supragastric belching (SGB) and rumination syndrome (RS) are functional gastroduodenal disorders in Rome IV.88 Their impact on PPI refractory GERD has been increasingly recognized recently. In a study by Yadlapati
Belching can be classified into two types, gastric belching and SGB. Gastric belching is a physiological phenomenon to eliminate accumulated air in the proximal stomach through the mouth via transient lower esophageal relaxation. On the other hand, SGB is a behavioral disorder where a patient subconsciously swallows or sucks air from the mouth into the esophagus, then immediately followed by evacuating the air through the mouth using abdominal straining. SGB can cause reflux symptoms in two ways (1) triggering gastroesophageal reflux within a few seconds after the onset of SGB91 or (2) distending the esophagus. In fact, esophageal balloon distension can trigger heartburn sensation.92 Notably, some patients with excessive SGB predominantly complain about reflux symptoms rather than belching symptom.91
RS is defined as the repetitive, effortless regurgitation of recently ingested food into the mouth followed by rechewing and re-swallowing or expulsion of the food bolus.88 Typical RS patients are young female with low body mass index suffering from regurgitation.90 RS uses voluntary, but unconscious abdominal straining to bring up the gastric content into the mouth generating high intragastric pressure.93
SGB and RS patients are often referred to a gastroenterologist as PPI refractory GERD since reflux symptoms due to these conditions do not respond to acid suppression. Therefore, careful medical interview and impedance-pH monitoring would be required to avoid overlooking them.
RH is often diagnosed after unsuccessful PPI/PCAB treatment. However, several studies evaluated the efficacy of PPI on PPI-naïve RH patients. Watson
Histamine2-receptor antagonists are known to have analgesic effects on visceral nociception.96 Rodriguez-Stanley
There are some evidences to support ARS for RH patients. Broeders
Taking these findings into consideration, RH is likely to be a good candidate for ARS as recommended in the ICARUS guidelines.102 Concomitant condition related to abnormal reflux (i.e., hiatus hernia or low MNBI) can further justify its application. However, there is still not enough evidence to support the indication. Furthermore, it should be noted that RH patients in several studies above are diagnosed by on-PPI impedance-pH monitoring. Given that PPIs/PCAB can normalize AET in most patients, RH should be diagnosed off PPI. Thus, we should be very careful about application of ARS to true RH phenotyped off PPI.
Antidepressants are recommended as pain modulators for functional esophageal disorders. Several randomized controlled studies tested the effect of tricyclic antidepressants (TCA) and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) for well-phenotyped RH patients refractory to PPIs. Limsrivilai
Excessive SGB and/or RS require dedicated intervention due to their unignorable impact on reflux symptom burden.90 Although some studies reported the efficacy of baclofen and pregabalin on such behavioral disorders,106,107 cognitive behavioral therapy using diaphragmatic breathing should be attempted first because of the equal or greater efficacy without any adverse effect than the drugs.91,108-110 We reported that cognitive behavioral therapy reduces excessive SGB sufficiently in almost half of the patients.91 Our cognitive behavioral therapy program is composed of 5 sessions during 10 weeks. In brief, it helps patients to understand the mechanism of SGB in cognitive part and learn slow diaphragmatic breathing and mouth opening/tongue position to physically prevent SGB in behavioral part.91,111 In RS, pain modulators (e.g., TCA) might be an additional option if refractory to the diaphragmatic breathing.112
Since the Montreal definition,113 our understanding of GERD has been extended by a great deal of studies. Especially impedance monitoring and prolonged wireless pH metry have contributed to better understanding of RH. This progress led to a new perspective of GERD proposed by Rome IV and the Lyon consensus so that more pathophysiology-focused diagnosis can be made for the four reflux phenotypes including RH. The discovery of fairly high impact of behavioral disorders on reflux symptoms would be another novel finding contributing to identification of true RH. More precise diagnosis is essential for better management. However, treatment modalities for esophageal hypersensitivity are still limited. Further study will be required to understand the pathophysiology of esophageal hypersensitivity and develop new treatments.
No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.