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Risk Factors for Perforation in Endoscopic Treatment for Early Colorectal Cancer: A Nationwide ENTER-K Study

Ik Hyun Jo1 , Hyun Gun Kim2 , Young-Seok Cho3 , Hyun Jung Lee4 , Eun Ran Kim5 , Yoo Jin Lee6 , Sung Wook Hwang7 , Kyeong-Ok Kim8 , Jun Lee9 , Hyuk Soon Choi10 , Yunho Jung11 , Chang Mo Moon12

1Department of Internal Medicine, St. Vincent's Hospital, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea; 2Department of Internal Medicine, Soonchunhyang University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea; 3Department of Internal Medicine, Seoul St. Mary's Hospital, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea; 4Department of Internal Medicine and Liver Research Institute, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea; 5Department of Medicine, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea; 6Department of Internal Medicine, Keimyung University School of Medicine, Daegu, Korea; 7Department of Gastroenterology, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea; 8Department of Internal Medicine, Yeungnam University College of Medicine, Daegu, Korea; 9Department of Internal Medicine, Chosun University College of Medicine, Gwangju, Korea; 10Department of Internal Medicine, Korea University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea; 11Department of Internal Medicine, Soonchunhyang University College of Medicine, Cheonan, Korea; 12Department of Internal Medicine, Ewha Womans University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Correspondence to: Hyun Gun Kim

Young-Seok Cho

Received: May 9, 2024; Revised: August 20, 2024; Accepted: August 27, 2024

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Gut Liver 2025;19(1):95-107.

Published online December 4, 2024, Published date January 15, 2025

Copyright © Gut and Liver.

Background/Aims: Early colorectal cancer (ECC) is commonly resected endoscopically. Perforation is a devastating complication of endoscopic resection. We aimed to identify the characteristics and predictive risk factors for perforation related to endoscopic resection of ECC.
Methods: This nationwide retrospective multicenter study included patients with ECC who underwent endoscopic resection. We investigated the demographics, endoscopic findings at the time of treatment, and histopathological characteristics of the resected specimens. Logistic regression analysis was used to investigate the clinical factors associated with procedure-related perforations. Survival analysis was conducted to assess the impact of perforation on the overall survival of patients with ECC.
Results: This study included 965 participants with a mean age of 63.4 years. The most common endoscopic treatment was conventional endoscopic mucosal resection (n=573, 59.4%), followed by conventional endoscopic submucosal dissection (n=259, 26.8%). Thirty-three patients (3.4%) experienced perforations, most of which were managed endoscopically (n=23/33, 69.7%). Patients who undergo endoscopic submucosal dissection-hybrid and precut endoscopic mucosal resection have a higher risk of perforation than those who undergo conventional endoscopic mucosal resection (odds ratio, 78.65 and 39.72, p<0.05). Procedure-related perforations were not associated with patient survival.
Conclusions: Perforation after endoscopic resection had no significant impact on the prognosis of ECC. The type of endoscopic resection was a crucial predictor of perforation. Large-scale prospective studies are needed to further investigate endoscopic resection of ECC.

Keywords: Colorectal neoplasms, Colonoscopy, Endoscopic mucosal resection, Intestinal perforation, Risk factors

Early colorectal cancer (ECC) is defined as pathologic T1 colorectal cancer in which cancer cell infiltration is limited to the mucosa or submucosa, without distant metastasis, and regardless of regional lymph node involvement.1 The principle of ECC treatment is to achieve complete cancerous tissue removal.2,3 Although approximately 10% of pathologic T1 colorectal cancers may require surgical intervention due to local lymph node involvement,4,5 most patients with ECC can be effectively treated through endoscopic resection.

Currently, endoscopic resection is the standard initial treatment for ECC without lymph node metastasis. Resection techniques include endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) and endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD). Generally, ESD is considered superior to EMR in both en bloc and complete resection.6,7 After resection, vertical resection margin positivity (where cancer cells are observed at the vertical margin) indicates histologically incomplete resection, necessitating additional surgery because of the risk of local recurrence and lymph node metastasis.8-10 Therefore, the emphasis is on achieving histologically complete resection through en bloc resection.11,12

The focus on en bloc resection for complete histological excision has led to more aggressive endoscopic treatment strategies, potentially increasing procedure-related complications. The types and frequencies of complications, such as bleeding, infection, and sedation-related issues, vary across studies;13-15 among these, perforation should be avoided by endoscopists. Perforation rates range from approximately 0.8% to 3.0% in EMR and 4.0% to 16.0% in ESD, with a higher frequency observed in ESD.16-18 Perforation can result in incomplete resection or discontinuation of endoscopic resection. To date, numerous studies have investigated risk factors associated with perforation such as tumor location, endoscopic morphology, and submucosal fibrosis; however, heterogeneity in conclusions due to differences in study population or methodologies,19-21 along with limitations, such as small sample sizes or single-center designs, exists.22 Furthermore, very limited data focus on procedure-related perforations following endoscopic treatment of ECC.

This study aimed to investigate the incidence and prognosis of procedure-related perforations during various endoscopic resection procedures for ECC treatment. Additionally, we explored potential risk factors predicting perforation occurrence before endoscopic treatment using a multicenter retrospective cohort study.

1. Study population

The study conformed to the ethical guidelines of the Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the institutional review boards of each participating medical center (approval number: VC18REDI0180). Written informed consent was waived. The ENTER-K (Early colorectal malignant Neoplasm Treated with Endoscopic Resection: Korean cohort study) cohort is a multi-institutional retrospective cohort involving 11 medical centers in the Republic of Korea, targeting 1,858 patients diagnosed with ECC over 12 years (January 2007 to December 2018). The study population included adults (1) aged ≥19 years, (2) who underwent endoscopic resection as the initial ECC treatment, and (3) who had sufficient data for analysis. Patients (1) unable to obtain a complete endoscopic resection, (2) who underwent surgical treatment without prior endoscopic resection, and (3) with insufficient medical records or endoscopic images for the analysis were excluded. Data from 965 patients were analyzed in the study, as shown in Fig. 1.

Figure 1.The composition of the study population. EMR, endoscopic mucosal resection; ESD, endoscopic submucosal dissection; EPMR, endoscopic piecemeal mucosal resection; EMR-C, EMR with a cap; EMR-L, EMR with ligation.

2. Clinical variable

Baseline characteristics of the study population, including sex, age at the time of the procedure, height, weight, alcohol consumption and smoking status, underlying diseases, and use of antiplatelet or anticoagulant agents were investigated. Preprocedural symptoms were classified into seven categories. Endoscopic reports and images were reviewed to determine the procedure types, size, location, and morphology of ECC, and endoscopic en bloc or complete resection. Additionally, the final pathological diagnosis, cancer lesion size, invasion depth and resected margin involvement were investigated. In addition to measurements of invasion depth, the Haggitt classification was also employed for assessing the extent of invasion. In this classification, Haggitt 0 refers to lesions where the invasion is restricted to the mucosa. Haggitt 1 refers to cases where the invasion has reached the submucosal layer but is confined to the polyp head. Haggitt 2 and 3 indicate that the cancer has invaded the neck and stalk of the polyp, respectively. Lastly, Haggitt 4 is defined by invasion that surpasses the stalk of the polyp, yet does not extend beyond the muscularis propria.23 Deep submucosal invasion was defined as SM2, SM3, or Haggitt level 4 in the pathology reports.4,24 The presence of lymphovascular or perineural invasion, as well as tumor budding, was determined based on the description in the pathology reports.

3. Types of endoscopic resection

The seven major categories of ECC treatment were conventional EMR, EMR with a cap, EMR with ligation, precut EMR, endoscopic piecemeal mucosal resection, ESD-hybrid, and conventional ESD. Conventional EMR involves submucosally injecting a solution (e.g., normal saline mixed with indigo carmine) lift the lesion. Subsequently, the protruded lesion is captured using an endoscopic snare, followed by excision using mechanical stress or diathermic current.25,26 EMR with a cap involves applying a transparent cap onto the scope during conventional EMR, whereas EMR with ligation entails submucosal injection followed by aspirating the lesion and ligating it using an elastic band.27 Precut EMR is similar to conventional EMR but incorporates a circumferential incision before snaring.28 Endoscopic piecemeal mucosal resection is an alternative method for achieving complete resection for large or flat lesions through multiple partial removal sessions.29 Conventional ESD involves submucosal injection, precutting and submucosal dissection with electrosurgical knives, whereas ESD-hybrid represents a compromise between EMR and ESD by partial dissection of the submucosa and snaring of the remaining lesion for resection.30

4. Procedure-related perforation

Procedure-related perforations were categorized based on recognition timing during, within 6 hours after, or more than 6 hours after the procedure. In cases where perforations were identified after the procedure, the time taken for detection was determined by referencing medical records and endoscopic images. Additionally, we investigated detection methods and treatment approaches. The characteristics of the participants according to the presence of procedure-related perforation, factors related to the perforation occurrence, and the impact of perforation on overall survival were analyzed.

5. Statistical analysis

Continuous variables were presented as mean and standard deviation. Categorical variables were expressed as frequencies and percentages. Continuous variables were compared using the Student t-test or Wilcoxon Mann-Whitney U test, whereas categorical variables were compared using the chi-square test or Fisher exact test. To explore variables related to the incidence of perforation, a univariate logistic regression analysis for each variable was performed, and a variable with a p-value <0.2 was selected for multivariate analysis. The final model of multivariate analysis was fitted using stepwise selection. Data from patients with missing values for the variables included in the model were not included in the multivariate analysis. The impact of each variable on procedure-related perforations is represented by odds ratios. The overall survival results were presented using a Kaplan-Meier plot, and potential differences in the survival period between the two groups were analyzed using the log-rank test. Statistical significance was set at p<0.05. All data analyses were conducted using R (version 4.3.1, R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria).

1. Characteristics of the study patients

Detailed information on the demographic characteristics, medical histories, and medication histories of the patients is provided in Table 1. The mean age of the patients was 63.4 years, with 63.6% of them were females. Among the patients diagnosed with ECC, 364 (37.7%) presented with at least one symptom, most commonly hematochezia, followed by abdominal discomfort and pain, and positive findings on fecal occult blood test (Supplementary Table 1). Few patients exhibited symptoms of anemia or weight loss.

Table 1. Baseline Characteristics of the Study Population

CharacteristicTotal (n=965)
Age, yr63.4±9.7
Male sex351 (36.4)
Height, cm162.6±8.6
Weight, kg64.7±11.1
Body mass index, kg/m2 (n=933)24.4±3.4
<18.531 (3.3)
18.5 to <23.0278 (29.8)
23.0 to <25.0251 (26.9)
25.0 to <30.0320 (34.2)
≥30.053 (5.7)
Alcohol consumption
None606 (62.8)
Social drinker231 (23.9)
Heavy drinker128 (13.3)
Smoking history
Never smoker665 (68.9)
Ex-smoker144 (14.9)
Current smoker156 (16.2)
Concomitant diseases
Cardiovascular118 (12.2)
Cerebrovascular7 (0.7)
Hypertension410 (42.5)
Diabetes178 (18.4)
Dyslipidemia63 (6.5)
Malignancy103 (10.7)
Chronic renal disease18 (1.9)
Chronic liver disease39 (4.0)
ASA classification
I286 (29.6)
II537 (55.6)
More than III142 (14.7)
Antiplatelets176 (18.2)
Anticoagulants18 (1.9)
Family history of colorectal cancer44 (4.6)
History of colorectal polyps93 (9.6)
CEA level before the treatment, ng/mL2.2±2.2

Data are presented as mean±SD or number (%).

ASA, American Society of Anesthesiologists; CEA, carcinoembryonic antigen.

2. Endoscopic treatment for early colon cancer

Table 2 presents endoscopic findings and characteristics of the patients who underwent endoscopic resection. Of the study population, 686 (71.1%) underwent planned endoscopic resection after ECC was suspected or confirmed through diagnostic colonoscopy. The most commonly performed endoscopic resection technique for ECC was conventional EMR performed in 573 patients (59.4%), followed by conventional ESD in 259 patients (26.8%). The mean work experience of endoscopists was 9.2 years. The mean endoscopic size of the lesions was 19.9±11.0 mm, with the lesions most frequently located in the left colon (n=457, 47.4%). En bloc resection was performed in 828 patients (85.8%), and 93.4% was achieved complete resection in endoscopic evaluation.

Table 2. Endoscopic and Pathologic Characteristics of the Study Population

VariableTotal (n=965)
Endoscopic features
Diagnostic colonoscopy before the treatment686 (71.1)
Imaging modalities for the early colon cancer: yes907 (94.0)
CT scan894 (92.6)
PET CT19 (2.0)
MRI7 (0.7)
Ultrasound5 (0.5)
Type of procedure
Conventional EMR573 (59.4)
EMR-C2 (0.2)
EMR-L1 (0.1)
Precut EMR34 (3.5)
EPMR (piecemeal)72 (7.5)
ESD-hybrid24 (2.5)
Conventional ESD259 (26.8)
Work experience of the operator, yr9.2±8.0
Endoscopic size of the lesion, mm19.9±11.0
Conventional EMR15.8±6.7
Precut EMR20.0±7.9
EPMR (piecemeal)26.6±11.8
Conventional ESD26.0±13.2
Location of the lesion*
Right colon262 (27.2)
Left colon457 (47.4)
Rectum246 (25.4)
Paris classification (n=672)
IIa45 (6.7)
Is287 (42.7)
Isp152 (22.6)
Ip181 (26.9)
IIb, IIc or III7 (1.0)
LST (n=285)
LST-G-H59 (6.2)
LST-G-MX94 (9.8)
LST-NG-F79 (8.3)
LST-NG-PD53 (5.5)
En bloc resection828 (85.8)
Complete resection (endoscopic)901 (93.4)
Pathologic features
Pathology of the lesions
Well differentiated406 (42.1)
Moderate differentiated536 (55.5)
Poorly differentiated18 (1.9)
Mucinous adenocarcinoma1 (0.1)
Micropapillary adenocarcinoma1 (0.1)
Signet ring cell carcinoma2 (0.2)
Neuroendocrine carcinoma1 (0.1)
Pathologic size of the lesion (mm)16.0±10.5
SM invasion, μm (n=877)1,486±1,405
SM invasion group§
Deep411 (46.9)
Superficial466 (53.1)
Haggitt level (n=36)
Level 110 (27.8)
Level 29 (25.0)
Level 312 (33.3)
Level 45 (13.9)
Complete resection (pathologic)626 (64.9)
Cancer lateral margin involvement111 (11.5)
Cancer vertical margin involvement123 (12.7)
Lymphovascular invasion116 (12.0)
Perineural invasion3 (0.3)
Tumor budding144 (14.9)

Data are presented as number (%) or mean±SD.

CT, computed tomography; PET, positron emission tomography; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; EMR, endoscopic mucosal resection; EMR-C, EMR with a cap; EMR-L, EMR with ligation; EPMR, endoscopic piecemeal mucosal resection; ESD, endoscopic submucosal dissection; LST, laterally spreading tumor; LST-G-H, LST-granular-homogenous; LST-G-MX, LST-granoular-nodular mixed; LST-NG-F, LST-nongranular-flat elevated; LST-NG-PD, LST-nongranular-pseudodepressed; SM, submucosal.

*Right colon, from cecum to splenic flexure; Left colon, descending and sigmoid colon; Lesions less than 10 mm; Lesions 10 mm or over; §Deep SM invasion: SM2-3 or Haggitt level 4; Not invaded by cancer or invasion of adenomatous tissue.

3. Pathological findings of early colon cancer specimens

Most patients had well-to-moderately differentiated tumors, with a pathological mean size of 16.0±10.5 mm, which is smaller than visual measurement on colonoscopy. Approximately half of patients showed submucosal invasion depth of <1,000 μm. Pathologic complete resection was achieved in 626 patients (64.9%). Other pathological characteristics of the study population are presented in Table 2.

4. Procedure-related perforation

Thirty-three patients (3.4%) experienced procedure-related perforation (Table 3). Fifty-four point five percent of perforations were detected within 6 hours after the procedure, whereas 39.4% was identified during the procedure. Endoscopic confirmation of the perforation was possible in 84.8%. Site bleeding accompanying the perforation was noted in 14 (42.4%). Endoscopic treatment was performed in 23 patients (69.7%), and six (18.2%) recovered solely with conservative treatment. Surgery was required for four patients (12.1%): in three patients, perforation was detected on an abdominal X-ray performed within 6 hours after endoscopic resection, and surgery was immediately performed. One patient required surgery after an unsuccessful endoscopic closure. No immediate fatality after the perforation was noted.

Table 3. Characteristics of Perforated Cases

VariableTotal (n=965)
Perforation33 (3.4)
Time of perforation detection
Within 6 hr18 (54.5)
After 6 hr2 (6.1)
During the procedure13 (39.4)
Confirmation of perforation
Endoscopic24 (84.8)
Imaging study9 (15.2)
Combined bleeding14 (42.4)
During the procedure14 (100)
After the procedure0
Treatment of perforation
Conservative treatment6 (18.2)
Endoscopic treatment23 (69.7)
Surgery4 (12.1)

Data are presented as number (%).

5. Factors related to procedure-related perforation

The study population was categorized into the perforated and non-perforated groups, and demographic, endoscopic, and pathological variables were compared (Table 4, Supplementary Table 2). No significant differences in age, sex, body mass index, or medical history were observed. The proportion of receiving antiplatelet or anticoagulant medications was also comparable between two groups. The group with perforations had significantly more patients who underwent diagnostic colonoscopy before the planned resection (90.9% vs 70.4%, p=0.018). The perforated group had a higher rate of precut EMR (n=3 [9.1%] vs n=31 [3.3%]), ESD-hybrid (n=5 [15.2%] vs n=19 [2.0%]), and conventional ESD (n=19 [57.6%] vs n=240 [25.8%]), whereas conventional EMR was performed frequently in the non-perforated group (n=5 [15.2%] vs n=568 [60.9%]). Operators in the perforated group had less experience than those in the non-perforated group, although this difference was not statistically significant (p=0.071). When categorizing work experience in 5-year intervals, the proportion of operators with 5 years or less of experience was higher in the perforated group, while the proportion with more than 10 years of experience was higher in the non-perforated group (Table 5). Notably, the proportion of operators with more than 7 years of experience was significantly higher in the non-perforated group (p=0.038).

Table 4. Differences in Clinical Characteristics Depending on the Occurrence of Procedure-Related Perforation

VariableNo perforation (n=932)Perforation (n=33)p-value
Age, yr63.4±9.863.2±9.70.934
Male sex595 (63.8)19 (57.6)0.582
Body mass index, kg/m224.5±3.423.8±2.80.299
Concomitant diseases
Cardiovascular113 (12.1)5 (15.2)0.802
Cerebrovascular7 (0.8)01.000
Hypertension398 (42.7)12 (36.4)0.586
Diabetes173 (18.6)5 (15.2)0.789
Dyslipidemia62 (6.7)1 (3.0)0.639
Malignancy100 (10.7)3 (9.1)0.990
Chronic renal disease18 (1.9)00.880
Chronic liver disease37 (4.0)2 (6.1)0.881
Antiplatelets or anticoagulants188 (20.1)6 (18.2)0.931
Diagnostic colonoscopy before procedure656 (70.4)30 (90.9)0.018
Type of procedure<0.001
Conventional EMR568 (60.9)5 (15.2)
EMR-C2 (0.2)0
EMR-L1 (0.1)0
Precut EMR31 (3.3)3 (9.1)
EPMR (piecemeal)71 (7.6)1 (3.0)
ESD-hybrid19 (2.0)5 (15.2)
Conventional ESD240 (25.8)19 (57.6)
Work experience of the operator, yr9.3±8.05.5±5.70.071
En bloc resection801 (85.9)27 (81.8)0.679
Complete resection (endoscopic)873 (93.8)28 (84.8)0.093
Endoscopic size, mm19.6±10.728.1±15.40.004
Endoscopic morphology*<0.001
Protruded609 (65.3)11 (33.3)
Flat58 (6.2)2 (6.1)
LST265 (28.4)20 (60.6)
LST-G-H56 (6.0)3 (9.1)
LST-G-MX82 (8.8)12 (36.4)
LST-NG-F76 (8.1)3 (9.1)
LST-NG-PD51 (5.5)2 (6.0)
Location of the lesion0.827
Right colon252 (27.0)10 (30.3)
Left colon441 (47.3)16 (48.5)
Rectum239 (25.6)7 (21.2)
Pathologic size, mm15.8±10.223.8±13.40.002
SM invasion group (n=877)0.002
Deep387 (45.8)24 (75.0)
Superficial458 (54.2)8 (25.0)
Complete resection (pathologic)613 (65.8)13 (40.6)0.001
Cancer involved lateral margin100 (10.7)11 (33.3)<0.001
Cancer involved vertical margin115 (12.3)8 (24.2)0.080

Data are presented as mean±SD or number (%).

EMR, endoscopic mucosal resection; EMR-C, EMR with a cap; EMR-L, EMR with ligation; EPMR, endoscopic piecemeal mucosal resection; ESD, endoscopic submucosal dissection; LST, laterally spreading tumor; LST-G-H, LST-granular-homogenous; LST-G-MX, LST-granoular-nodular mixed; LST-NG-F, LST-nongranular-flat elevated; LST-NG-PD, LST-nongranular-pseudodepressed; SM, submucosal.

*Protruded, Paris classification Ip, Isp or Is; Flat, Paris classification II or III; Right colon, from cecum to splenic flexure; Left colon, descending and sigmoid colon; Deep SM invasion: SM2-3 or Haggitt level 4.

Table 5. Details Regarding the Work Experience of the Operator

Years of experienceWork experience of the operator (n=463)No perforation (n=448)Perforation (n=15)p-value
Experience, yr9.2±8.09.3±8.05.5±5.70.071
≤5 yr228 (49.2)217 (48.4)11 (73.3)0.351
>5 to 10 yr73 (15.8)71 (15.8)2 (13.3)
>10 to 15 yr60 (13.0)60 (13.4)0
>15 to 20 yr51 (11.0)50 (11.2)1 (6.7)
>20 yr51 (11.0)50 (11.2)1 (6.7)
>7 yr of experience198 (42.8)196 (43.8)2 (13.3)0.038

Data are presented as mean±SD or number (%).

The endoscopic size of lesions was larger in the perforated group (28.1±15.4 mm vs 19.6±10.7 mm, p=0.004). The proportion of laterally spreading tumors was higher in the perforated group (60.6% vs 28.4%, p<0.001). Pathological lesion size was also larger in the perforated group (23.8±13.4 mm vs 15.8±10.2 mm, p=0.002), with a higher proportion of deep submucosal invasion (n=24 [27.0%] vs n=387 [45.8%], p=0.002). The rate of complete pathological resection was lower in the perforation group (40.6% vs 65.8%, p=0.001). Recurrences, metastases, and metachronous cancers did not differ in both groups during the follow-up.

The incidences of procedure-related perforations among endoscopic resection methods are illustrated in Fig. 2. The most common method linked to perforation was hybrid ESD (5/24, 20.8%), followed by precut EMR (3/34, 8.8%) and conventional ESD (19/259, 7.3%). In the post hoc analysis, precut EMR, hybrid ESD, and conventional ESD exhibited higher rates of perforation compared to conventional EMR. Conventional ESD had similar perforation rates to other resection methods, except for conventional EMR.

Figure 2.Incidence of procedure-related perforation according to endoscopic treatment methods for early colorectal cancer. EMR, endoscopic mucosal resection; EMR-C, EMR with a cap; EMR-L, EMR with ligation; EPMR, endoscopic piecemeal mucosal resection; ESD, endoscopic submucosal dissection; *p<0.05, p<0.01 in post hoc analysis.

The results of logistic regression analyses for the occurrence of perforation are presented in Table 6. The type of resection was categorized into five groups, combining conventional EMR, EMR with ligation, and EMR with a cap into an “EMR” group. The final multivariate model incorporated three variables: the type of resection, deep submucosal invasion, and operator’s working years. The group with deep submucosal invasion showed an odds ratio of approximately 5.71 compared to the superficial invasion group (p=0.011). As the operator gained more experience, the risk of perforation during the procedure showed decreasing tendency (odds ratio, 0.91; 95% confidence interval, 0.80 to 1.00; p=0.054). The ESD-hybrid group showed the highest risk of perforation, followed by the precut EMR and ESD groups. Fig. 3 shows a summary of the final model.

Figure 3.Multivariate logistic regression analysis of factors associated with procedure-related perforation occurrence. ESD, endoscopic submucosal dissection; EMR, endoscopic mucosal resection; SM, submucosal; EPMR, endoscopic piecemeal mucosal resection; SE, standard error; OR, odds ration; CI, confidence interval.

Table 6. Logistic Regression Analysis of the Occurrence of Procedure-Related Perforation

VariableUnivariate model (n=965)Multivariate model (n=417)Final model (n=417)
EstimateOR (95% CI)p-valueEstimateOR (95% CI)p-valueEstimateOR (95% CI)p-value
Age–0.0021.00 (0.96–1.04)0.93
Sex: male0.2631.30 (0.63–2.61)0.46
Body mass index–0.0570.94 (0.85–1.05)0.30
Hypertension: yes–0.2660.77 (0.36–1.55)0.47
Diabetes: yes–0.2440.78 (0.26–1.89)0.62
Working years–0.0850.92 (0.82–1.00)0.09–0.1020.90 (0.79–1.00)0.06–0.0980.91 (0.80–1.00)0.05
Type of procedures*
Precut EMR2.40311.05 (2.19–47.17)<0.013.70140.47 (4.36–895.36)<0.013.82545.82 (5.27–983.20)<0.01
EPMR (piecemeal)0.4751.61 (0.08–10.16)0.681.5854.88 (0.18–135.07)0.191.7365.67 (0.22–148.59)0.23
ESD-hybrid3.40330.05 (7.78–116.90)<0.014.23769.21 (6.59–1,662)<0.014.40181.57 (8.63–1,861)<0.01
Conventional ESD2.2029.04 (3.59–27.52)<0.012.60813.57 (1.84–278.17)0.012.77015.96 (2.62–306.20)0.01
Endoscopic size0.0481.04 (1.03–1.07)<0.010.0051.00 (0.95–1.05)0.92
Location of the lesion
Left colon–0.0900.91 (0.41–2.11)0.83
Rectum–0.3040.74 (0.26–1.95)0.54
Flat lesion vs protruded0.6471.91 (0.29–7.33)0.41
Laterally spreading tumor1.3543.87 (1.92–8.09)<0.010.2751.32 (0.39–4.51)0.93
Pathologic type§
Adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated0.1031.11 (0.55–2.32)0.78
Adenocarcinoma, poorly differentiated0.5731.77 (0.09–9.74)0.59
SM invasion group: deep1.4303.55 (1.64–8.52)<0.011.7705.87 (1.69–27.52)0.011.7425.71 (1.65–26.57)0.01

Data from patients with missing values for the variables included in the model were excluded in the multivariate analysis, resulting in a final dataset of 417 patients for the analysis. The results are expressed as mean±SD or number (%).

OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval; EMR, endoscopic mucosal resection; EPMR, endoscopic piecemeal mucosal resection; ESD, endoscopic submucosal dissection; SM, submucosal.

*Compare each procedure type with the EMR group; Compare with the location of right colon; Flat lesion, Paris classification IIa, IIb, IIc or III; Protruded lesion, Paris classification Is, Isp, or Ip; §Compare with adenocarcinoma, well differentiated; Deep SM invasion: SM2-3 or Haggitt level 4.

6. Procedure-related perforation and prognosis

During the study period, there were a total of 27 deaths. The median follow-up period for the study population was 1,819 days. The occurrence of procedure-related perforations did not significantly affect the four prognostic outcomes: overall survival, local recurrence, distant recurrence, and metachronous colorectal cancer (Fig. 4). In perforated patients, age, sex, body mass index, methods for perforation confirmation, treatment modalities, and presence of combined bleeding did not affect overall survival (Supplementary Fig. 1). No significant differences were also observed in the three-group comparison of the timing of perforation confirmation. However, post hoc analysis revealed a lower overall survival in the group where perforation was detected within 6 hours after the procedure compared to the on-site detection group (Fig. 5). Among the total deaths, there were five ECC-related deaths. There was no significant difference in disease-specific survival according to the occurrence of perforation (p=0.661) (Supplementary Fig. 2).

Figure 4.Kaplan-Meier plots of the study population stratified by the presence of procedure-related perforation, (A) overall survival, (B) local recurrence, (C) distant metastasis, and (D) metachronous colorectal cancer.

Figure 5.Subgroup survival analysis for overall survival based on the timing of procedure-related perforation confirmation in perforated patients (*p<0.05).

In this study, we assessed characteristics of procedure-related perforations during endoscopic treatment of ECC. The perforation rate of endoscopic resection for ECC is 3.4% in our study, which can be considered a favorable treatment outcome compared to previous literatures. Notably, traditionally recognized factors, such as lesion size, depth of invasion, and type of resection, were significantly associated with perforation, whereas variables reflecting preoperative conditions, such as age, sex, and comorbidities, did not exhibit a substantial association. The type of resection, deep submucosal invasion, and operators' work experience were significant variables in predicting the occurrence of perforation, with the relative importance of lesion size diminishing in the multivariate analysis.

ESD-hybrid offers the advantages of shorter procedure time, simpler procedure, and lower difficulty level compared to conventional ESD.31 The reported incidence of procedure-related complications with ESD-hybrid is inconsistent, with some opinions suggesting a lower risk of complications, whereas others reporting similar rates of bleeding and perforation.30,32 In our study, the perforation risk of ESD-hybrid group exceeded that of conventional ESD group. This may be attributed to inadequate submucosal dissection before snaring or inaccurate snaring along the precutting margin, resulting in excessive tissue capture and subsequent muscle layer injury. Deep submucosal invasion could be another reason for higher perforation risk of ESD-hybrid. Among patients who experienced perforation following ESD-hybrid, four (80%) had deep submucosal invasion, suggesting that ESD-hybrid may not be an optimal resection method for lesions with suspicious deep invasion.

Although not statistically significant, the perforated patients had less operator's working experience compared to non-perforated patients (5.5 years vs 9.3 years, p=0.071). Furthermore, endoscopists with more than 7 years of experience performed safer procedures with fewer perforations compared to those with less experience. These findings highlight the importance of experience and skill for safe endoscopic resection of ECC. There are previous studies indicating a close relationship between endoscopists’ experiences and the complication occurrence. A recent cohort study reported significantly higher rates of muscularis propria damage and perforation following colorectal ESD in trainee groups compared to experts.33 A meta-analysis for risk factors of perforation during colorectal ESD suggested that the risk is approximately 1.6 times higher among lesser experienced endoscopists.22 Lesions suspected to be ECC typically require a more aggressive treatment approach than common adenomas, resulting in an increased risk of complications including perforation. Therefore, in future studies, proposing the optimal timing along the learning curve for safe endoscopic procedures of ECCs with minimizing complications appears to be a promising research topic.

The rate of perforation was higher in cases of deep submucosal invasion in our data, making dissection difficult and increasing perforation risk.34,35 Contrary to these findings, free vertical resection margin from cancer was not significantly associated with perforation; rather, free lateral resection margin was fewer in the perforated group compared to non-perforation group. This can be attributed to several factors. First, a large lesion leads to an expanded resection burden, increasing the perforation risk and incomplete resection. Second, the endoscopist may no longer aim for complete resection due to the perforation and subsequent treatments such as endoscopic clipping. Third, perforation may be a byproduct of aggressive dissection for complete resection, rather than being directly associated with lateral margin positivity itself.

Non-perforated patients had a lower rate of diagnostic endoscopy before endoscopic resection compared to perforated patients (70.4% vs 90.9%, p<0.018). When ECC lesions were incidentally discovered during routine colonoscopy and excision is attempted on-site, there may be a preference for less invasive resection method compared to planned treatments. This preference was supported by the fact that EMR-based procedures were more commonly performed in patients who underwent on-site resection during diagnostic colonoscopy, rather than in therapeutic endoscopy cases of ECCs. In fact, the rate of prior diagnostic endoscopy in the EMR group is 59.4%, which is lower compared to 76.5%–91.9% in other treatment groups.

Procedure-related perforations did not have a significant impact on prognosis of ECC patients after the endoscopic resection. However, in the subgroup analysis for perforated patients, on-site identified group showed better overall survival compared to the group identified within 6 hours after the procedure. Delayed detection of perforation can lead to increased peritoneal contamination, infection, and a higher risk of surgical management and postoperative complications.36-38 On-site identification of perforation allows for subsequent endoscopic closure, and if necessary, facilitates fast referral to a surgeon.39 Surprisingly, perforated patients identified 6 hours post-procedure did not show inferior prognosis compared to other groups. This contradiction can be attributed to the rarity of cases in our study (2/33, 6.1%), leading to a lack of survival events during follow-up.

One strength of this study is the access to a large-scale cohort database derived from multiple referral hospitals, covering demographics, medical conditions, endoscopic and pathologic findings, and prognosis. Additionally, we investigated the risk of procedure-related perforation associated with various types of endoscopic resection currently used in clinical practice for treating ECC. However, our study also has limitations. Firstly, despite efforts to obtain as refined data as possible, this retrospective study analyzed data from 10 healthcare institutions over 12 years, resulting in inevitable heterogeneity within the cohort. Secondly, procedural details such as indications and techniques of each resection type, accessories or equipment could not be obtained from the cohort data. Future studies are needed to provide a clearer understanding of the impact of technical or equipment-related variables on the complications of endoscopic resection. Thirdly, we only evaluated overall survival as a general prognostic outcome; other clinical outcomes, such as hospital stay days, were unavailable. While several studies have reported prolonged hospital stays following perforations after endoscopic resection,40-42 future research related to procedure-related perforation should assess indicators that consider the health and economic burdens as well as patient survival. Fourthly, we were unable to analyze the impact of submucosal invasion depth or fibrosis on the occurrence of perforations due to the lack of relevant data. To date, efforts have been made to evaluate the depth of submucosal invasion using endoscopic findings, combined with advanced techniques such as chromoendoscopy and image-enhanced endoscopy. Submucosal fibrosis has also been addressed as a crucial factor in previous literature on perforations during endoscopic resection. Future researchers should consider these variables as an important candidate predictor for procedure-related perforation. Lastly, we adopted SM2 and SM3 as the definition for deep submucosal invasion due to the limitations of our dataset, instead of the threshold of 1,000 micrometers typically applied in non-pedunculated polyps.

In conclusion, procedure-related perforations during endoscopic resection rarely occur and do not affect the prognosis, underscoring the safety as a modality for ECC treatment. The type of resection was the most critical factor in predicting the risk of perforation. Large-scale prospective studies for predicting the risk of complications of endoscopic resection will be needed to achieve safer and more effective treatment for ECC.

The authors acknowledge and would like to thank all members and participants of the ENTER-K (Early Colorectal Malignant Neoplasm Treated with Endoscopic Resection: Korean cohort study) cohort study group.

H.J.L. is an editorial board member of the journal but was not involved in the peer reviewer selection, evaluation, or decision process of this article. No other potential conflicts of interest relevant to this article were reported.

Study concept and design: I.H.J., H.G.K., Y.S.C. Data acquisition: I.H.J., H.G.K., Y.S.C., H.J.L., E.R.K., Y.J.L., S.W.H., K.O.K., J.L., H.S.C., Y.J., C.M.M. Data analysis and interpretation: I.H.J., H.G.K., Y.S.C. Drafting of the manuscript: I.H.J. Critical revision of the manuscript: H.G.K., Y.S.C. All authors approved the final submission.

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Original Article

Gut and Liver 2025; 19(1): 95-107

Published online January 15, 2025

Copyright © Gut and Liver.

Risk Factors for Perforation in Endoscopic Treatment for Early Colorectal Cancer: A Nationwide ENTER-K Study

Ik Hyun Jo1 , Hyun Gun Kim2 , Young-Seok Cho3 , Hyun Jung Lee4 , Eun Ran Kim5 , Yoo Jin Lee6 , Sung Wook Hwang7 , Kyeong-Ok Kim8 , Jun Lee9 , Hyuk Soon Choi10 , Yunho Jung11 , Chang Mo Moon12

1Department of Internal Medicine, St. Vincent's Hospital, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea; 2Department of Internal Medicine, Soonchunhyang University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea; 3Department of Internal Medicine, Seoul St. Mary's Hospital, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea; 4Department of Internal Medicine and Liver Research Institute, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea; 5Department of Medicine, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea; 6Department of Internal Medicine, Keimyung University School of Medicine, Daegu, Korea; 7Department of Gastroenterology, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea; 8Department of Internal Medicine, Yeungnam University College of Medicine, Daegu, Korea; 9Department of Internal Medicine, Chosun University College of Medicine, Gwangju, Korea; 10Department of Internal Medicine, Korea University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea; 11Department of Internal Medicine, Soonchunhyang University College of Medicine, Cheonan, Korea; 12Department of Internal Medicine, Ewha Womans University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Correspondence to:Hyun Gun Kim

Young-Seok Cho

Received: May 9, 2024; Revised: August 20, 2024; Accepted: August 27, 2024

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Background/Aims: Early colorectal cancer (ECC) is commonly resected endoscopically. Perforation is a devastating complication of endoscopic resection. We aimed to identify the characteristics and predictive risk factors for perforation related to endoscopic resection of ECC.
Methods: This nationwide retrospective multicenter study included patients with ECC who underwent endoscopic resection. We investigated the demographics, endoscopic findings at the time of treatment, and histopathological characteristics of the resected specimens. Logistic regression analysis was used to investigate the clinical factors associated with procedure-related perforations. Survival analysis was conducted to assess the impact of perforation on the overall survival of patients with ECC.
Results: This study included 965 participants with a mean age of 63.4 years. The most common endoscopic treatment was conventional endoscopic mucosal resection (n=573, 59.4%), followed by conventional endoscopic submucosal dissection (n=259, 26.8%). Thirty-three patients (3.4%) experienced perforations, most of which were managed endoscopically (n=23/33, 69.7%). Patients who undergo endoscopic submucosal dissection-hybrid and precut endoscopic mucosal resection have a higher risk of perforation than those who undergo conventional endoscopic mucosal resection (odds ratio, 78.65 and 39.72, p<0.05). Procedure-related perforations were not associated with patient survival.
Conclusions: Perforation after endoscopic resection had no significant impact on the prognosis of ECC. The type of endoscopic resection was a crucial predictor of perforation. Large-scale prospective studies are needed to further investigate endoscopic resection of ECC.

Keywords: Colorectal neoplasms, Colonoscopy, Endoscopic mucosal resection, Intestinal perforation, Risk factors


Early colorectal cancer (ECC) is defined as pathologic T1 colorectal cancer in which cancer cell infiltration is limited to the mucosa or submucosa, without distant metastasis, and regardless of regional lymph node involvement.1 The principle of ECC treatment is to achieve complete cancerous tissue removal.2,3 Although approximately 10% of pathologic T1 colorectal cancers may require surgical intervention due to local lymph node involvement,4,5 most patients with ECC can be effectively treated through endoscopic resection.

Currently, endoscopic resection is the standard initial treatment for ECC without lymph node metastasis. Resection techniques include endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) and endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD). Generally, ESD is considered superior to EMR in both en bloc and complete resection.6,7 After resection, vertical resection margin positivity (where cancer cells are observed at the vertical margin) indicates histologically incomplete resection, necessitating additional surgery because of the risk of local recurrence and lymph node metastasis.8-10 Therefore, the emphasis is on achieving histologically complete resection through en bloc resection.11,12

The focus on en bloc resection for complete histological excision has led to more aggressive endoscopic treatment strategies, potentially increasing procedure-related complications. The types and frequencies of complications, such as bleeding, infection, and sedation-related issues, vary across studies;13-15 among these, perforation should be avoided by endoscopists. Perforation rates range from approximately 0.8% to 3.0% in EMR and 4.0% to 16.0% in ESD, with a higher frequency observed in ESD.16-18 Perforation can result in incomplete resection or discontinuation of endoscopic resection. To date, numerous studies have investigated risk factors associated with perforation such as tumor location, endoscopic morphology, and submucosal fibrosis; however, heterogeneity in conclusions due to differences in study population or methodologies,19-21 along with limitations, such as small sample sizes or single-center designs, exists.22 Furthermore, very limited data focus on procedure-related perforations following endoscopic treatment of ECC.

This study aimed to investigate the incidence and prognosis of procedure-related perforations during various endoscopic resection procedures for ECC treatment. Additionally, we explored potential risk factors predicting perforation occurrence before endoscopic treatment using a multicenter retrospective cohort study.


1. Study population

The study conformed to the ethical guidelines of the Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the institutional review boards of each participating medical center (approval number: VC18REDI0180). Written informed consent was waived. The ENTER-K (Early colorectal malignant Neoplasm Treated with Endoscopic Resection: Korean cohort study) cohort is a multi-institutional retrospective cohort involving 11 medical centers in the Republic of Korea, targeting 1,858 patients diagnosed with ECC over 12 years (January 2007 to December 2018). The study population included adults (1) aged ≥19 years, (2) who underwent endoscopic resection as the initial ECC treatment, and (3) who had sufficient data for analysis. Patients (1) unable to obtain a complete endoscopic resection, (2) who underwent surgical treatment without prior endoscopic resection, and (3) with insufficient medical records or endoscopic images for the analysis were excluded. Data from 965 patients were analyzed in the study, as shown in Fig. 1.

Figure 1. The composition of the study population. EMR, endoscopic mucosal resection; ESD, endoscopic submucosal dissection; EPMR, endoscopic piecemeal mucosal resection; EMR-C, EMR with a cap; EMR-L, EMR with ligation.

2. Clinical variable

Baseline characteristics of the study population, including sex, age at the time of the procedure, height, weight, alcohol consumption and smoking status, underlying diseases, and use of antiplatelet or anticoagulant agents were investigated. Preprocedural symptoms were classified into seven categories. Endoscopic reports and images were reviewed to determine the procedure types, size, location, and morphology of ECC, and endoscopic en bloc or complete resection. Additionally, the final pathological diagnosis, cancer lesion size, invasion depth and resected margin involvement were investigated. In addition to measurements of invasion depth, the Haggitt classification was also employed for assessing the extent of invasion. In this classification, Haggitt 0 refers to lesions where the invasion is restricted to the mucosa. Haggitt 1 refers to cases where the invasion has reached the submucosal layer but is confined to the polyp head. Haggitt 2 and 3 indicate that the cancer has invaded the neck and stalk of the polyp, respectively. Lastly, Haggitt 4 is defined by invasion that surpasses the stalk of the polyp, yet does not extend beyond the muscularis propria.23 Deep submucosal invasion was defined as SM2, SM3, or Haggitt level 4 in the pathology reports.4,24 The presence of lymphovascular or perineural invasion, as well as tumor budding, was determined based on the description in the pathology reports.

3. Types of endoscopic resection

The seven major categories of ECC treatment were conventional EMR, EMR with a cap, EMR with ligation, precut EMR, endoscopic piecemeal mucosal resection, ESD-hybrid, and conventional ESD. Conventional EMR involves submucosally injecting a solution (e.g., normal saline mixed with indigo carmine) lift the lesion. Subsequently, the protruded lesion is captured using an endoscopic snare, followed by excision using mechanical stress or diathermic current.25,26 EMR with a cap involves applying a transparent cap onto the scope during conventional EMR, whereas EMR with ligation entails submucosal injection followed by aspirating the lesion and ligating it using an elastic band.27 Precut EMR is similar to conventional EMR but incorporates a circumferential incision before snaring.28 Endoscopic piecemeal mucosal resection is an alternative method for achieving complete resection for large or flat lesions through multiple partial removal sessions.29 Conventional ESD involves submucosal injection, precutting and submucosal dissection with electrosurgical knives, whereas ESD-hybrid represents a compromise between EMR and ESD by partial dissection of the submucosa and snaring of the remaining lesion for resection.30

4. Procedure-related perforation

Procedure-related perforations were categorized based on recognition timing during, within 6 hours after, or more than 6 hours after the procedure. In cases where perforations were identified after the procedure, the time taken for detection was determined by referencing medical records and endoscopic images. Additionally, we investigated detection methods and treatment approaches. The characteristics of the participants according to the presence of procedure-related perforation, factors related to the perforation occurrence, and the impact of perforation on overall survival were analyzed.

5. Statistical analysis

Continuous variables were presented as mean and standard deviation. Categorical variables were expressed as frequencies and percentages. Continuous variables were compared using the Student t-test or Wilcoxon Mann-Whitney U test, whereas categorical variables were compared using the chi-square test or Fisher exact test. To explore variables related to the incidence of perforation, a univariate logistic regression analysis for each variable was performed, and a variable with a p-value <0.2 was selected for multivariate analysis. The final model of multivariate analysis was fitted using stepwise selection. Data from patients with missing values for the variables included in the model were not included in the multivariate analysis. The impact of each variable on procedure-related perforations is represented by odds ratios. The overall survival results were presented using a Kaplan-Meier plot, and potential differences in the survival period between the two groups were analyzed using the log-rank test. Statistical significance was set at p<0.05. All data analyses were conducted using R (version 4.3.1, R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria).


1. Characteristics of the study patients

Detailed information on the demographic characteristics, medical histories, and medication histories of the patients is provided in Table 1. The mean age of the patients was 63.4 years, with 63.6% of them were females. Among the patients diagnosed with ECC, 364 (37.7%) presented with at least one symptom, most commonly hematochezia, followed by abdominal discomfort and pain, and positive findings on fecal occult blood test (Supplementary Table 1). Few patients exhibited symptoms of anemia or weight loss.

Table 1 . Baseline Characteristics of the Study Population.

CharacteristicTotal (n=965)
Age, yr63.4±9.7
Male sex351 (36.4)
Height, cm162.6±8.6
Weight, kg64.7±11.1
Body mass index, kg/m2 (n=933)24.4±3.4
<18.531 (3.3)
18.5 to <23.0278 (29.8)
23.0 to <25.0251 (26.9)
25.0 to <30.0320 (34.2)
≥30.053 (5.7)
Alcohol consumption
None606 (62.8)
Social drinker231 (23.9)
Heavy drinker128 (13.3)
Smoking history
Never smoker665 (68.9)
Ex-smoker144 (14.9)
Current smoker156 (16.2)
Concomitant diseases
Cardiovascular118 (12.2)
Cerebrovascular7 (0.7)
Hypertension410 (42.5)
Diabetes178 (18.4)
Dyslipidemia63 (6.5)
Malignancy103 (10.7)
Chronic renal disease18 (1.9)
Chronic liver disease39 (4.0)
ASA classification
I286 (29.6)
II537 (55.6)
More than III142 (14.7)
Antiplatelets176 (18.2)
Anticoagulants18 (1.9)
Family history of colorectal cancer44 (4.6)
History of colorectal polyps93 (9.6)
CEA level before the treatment, ng/mL2.2±2.2

Data are presented as mean±SD or number (%)..

ASA, American Society of Anesthesiologists; CEA, carcinoembryonic antigen..

2. Endoscopic treatment for early colon cancer

Table 2 presents endoscopic findings and characteristics of the patients who underwent endoscopic resection. Of the study population, 686 (71.1%) underwent planned endoscopic resection after ECC was suspected or confirmed through diagnostic colonoscopy. The most commonly performed endoscopic resection technique for ECC was conventional EMR performed in 573 patients (59.4%), followed by conventional ESD in 259 patients (26.8%). The mean work experience of endoscopists was 9.2 years. The mean endoscopic size of the lesions was 19.9±11.0 mm, with the lesions most frequently located in the left colon (n=457, 47.4%). En bloc resection was performed in 828 patients (85.8%), and 93.4% was achieved complete resection in endoscopic evaluation.

Table 2 . Endoscopic and Pathologic Characteristics of the Study Population.

VariableTotal (n=965)
Endoscopic features
Diagnostic colonoscopy before the treatment686 (71.1)
Imaging modalities for the early colon cancer: yes907 (94.0)
CT scan894 (92.6)
PET CT19 (2.0)
MRI7 (0.7)
Ultrasound5 (0.5)
Type of procedure
Conventional EMR573 (59.4)
EMR-C2 (0.2)
EMR-L1 (0.1)
Precut EMR34 (3.5)
EPMR (piecemeal)72 (7.5)
ESD-hybrid24 (2.5)
Conventional ESD259 (26.8)
Work experience of the operator, yr9.2±8.0
Endoscopic size of the lesion, mm19.9±11.0
Conventional EMR15.8±6.7
Precut EMR20.0±7.9
EPMR (piecemeal)26.6±11.8
Conventional ESD26.0±13.2
Location of the lesion*
Right colon262 (27.2)
Left colon457 (47.4)
Rectum246 (25.4)
Paris classification (n=672)
IIa45 (6.7)
Is287 (42.7)
Isp152 (22.6)
Ip181 (26.9)
IIb, IIc or III7 (1.0)
LST (n=285)
LST-G-H59 (6.2)
LST-G-MX94 (9.8)
LST-NG-F79 (8.3)
LST-NG-PD53 (5.5)
En bloc resection828 (85.8)
Complete resection (endoscopic)901 (93.4)
Pathologic features
Pathology of the lesions
Well differentiated406 (42.1)
Moderate differentiated536 (55.5)
Poorly differentiated18 (1.9)
Mucinous adenocarcinoma1 (0.1)
Micropapillary adenocarcinoma1 (0.1)
Signet ring cell carcinoma2 (0.2)
Neuroendocrine carcinoma1 (0.1)
Pathologic size of the lesion (mm)16.0±10.5
SM invasion, μm (n=877)1,486±1,405
SM invasion group§
Deep411 (46.9)
Superficial466 (53.1)
Haggitt level (n=36)
Level 110 (27.8)
Level 29 (25.0)
Level 312 (33.3)
Level 45 (13.9)
Complete resection (pathologic)626 (64.9)
Cancer lateral margin involvement111 (11.5)
Cancer vertical margin involvement123 (12.7)
Lymphovascular invasion116 (12.0)
Perineural invasion3 (0.3)
Tumor budding144 (14.9)

Data are presented as number (%) or mean±SD..

CT, computed tomography; PET, positron emission tomography; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; EMR, endoscopic mucosal resection; EMR-C, EMR with a cap; EMR-L, EMR with ligation; EPMR, endoscopic piecemeal mucosal resection; ESD, endoscopic submucosal dissection; LST, laterally spreading tumor; LST-G-H, LST-granular-homogenous; LST-G-MX, LST-granoular-nodular mixed; LST-NG-F, LST-nongranular-flat elevated; LST-NG-PD, LST-nongranular-pseudodepressed; SM, submucosal..

*Right colon, from cecum to splenic flexure; Left colon, descending and sigmoid colon; Lesions less than 10 mm; Lesions 10 mm or over; §Deep SM invasion: SM2-3 or Haggitt level 4; Not invaded by cancer or invasion of adenomatous tissue..

3. Pathological findings of early colon cancer specimens

Most patients had well-to-moderately differentiated tumors, with a pathological mean size of 16.0±10.5 mm, which is smaller than visual measurement on colonoscopy. Approximately half of patients showed submucosal invasion depth of <1,000 μm. Pathologic complete resection was achieved in 626 patients (64.9%). Other pathological characteristics of the study population are presented in Table 2.

4. Procedure-related perforation

Thirty-three patients (3.4%) experienced procedure-related perforation (Table 3). Fifty-four point five percent of perforations were detected within 6 hours after the procedure, whereas 39.4% was identified during the procedure. Endoscopic confirmation of the perforation was possible in 84.8%. Site bleeding accompanying the perforation was noted in 14 (42.4%). Endoscopic treatment was performed in 23 patients (69.7%), and six (18.2%) recovered solely with conservative treatment. Surgery was required for four patients (12.1%): in three patients, perforation was detected on an abdominal X-ray performed within 6 hours after endoscopic resection, and surgery was immediately performed. One patient required surgery after an unsuccessful endoscopic closure. No immediate fatality after the perforation was noted.

Table 3 . Characteristics of Perforated Cases.

VariableTotal (n=965)
Perforation33 (3.4)
Time of perforation detection
Within 6 hr18 (54.5)
After 6 hr2 (6.1)
During the procedure13 (39.4)
Confirmation of perforation
Endoscopic24 (84.8)
Imaging study9 (15.2)
Combined bleeding14 (42.4)
During the procedure14 (100)
After the procedure0
Treatment of perforation
Conservative treatment6 (18.2)
Endoscopic treatment23 (69.7)
Surgery4 (12.1)

Data are presented as number (%)..

5. Factors related to procedure-related perforation

The study population was categorized into the perforated and non-perforated groups, and demographic, endoscopic, and pathological variables were compared (Table 4, Supplementary Table 2). No significant differences in age, sex, body mass index, or medical history were observed. The proportion of receiving antiplatelet or anticoagulant medications was also comparable between two groups. The group with perforations had significantly more patients who underwent diagnostic colonoscopy before the planned resection (90.9% vs 70.4%, p=0.018). The perforated group had a higher rate of precut EMR (n=3 [9.1%] vs n=31 [3.3%]), ESD-hybrid (n=5 [15.2%] vs n=19 [2.0%]), and conventional ESD (n=19 [57.6%] vs n=240 [25.8%]), whereas conventional EMR was performed frequently in the non-perforated group (n=5 [15.2%] vs n=568 [60.9%]). Operators in the perforated group had less experience than those in the non-perforated group, although this difference was not statistically significant (p=0.071). When categorizing work experience in 5-year intervals, the proportion of operators with 5 years or less of experience was higher in the perforated group, while the proportion with more than 10 years of experience was higher in the non-perforated group (Table 5). Notably, the proportion of operators with more than 7 years of experience was significantly higher in the non-perforated group (p=0.038).

Table 4 . Differences in Clinical Characteristics Depending on the Occurrence of Procedure-Related Perforation.

VariableNo perforation (n=932)Perforation (n=33)p-value
Age, yr63.4±9.863.2±9.70.934
Male sex595 (63.8)19 (57.6)0.582
Body mass index, kg/m224.5±3.423.8±2.80.299
Concomitant diseases
Cardiovascular113 (12.1)5 (15.2)0.802
Cerebrovascular7 (0.8)01.000
Hypertension398 (42.7)12 (36.4)0.586
Diabetes173 (18.6)5 (15.2)0.789
Dyslipidemia62 (6.7)1 (3.0)0.639
Malignancy100 (10.7)3 (9.1)0.990
Chronic renal disease18 (1.9)00.880
Chronic liver disease37 (4.0)2 (6.1)0.881
Antiplatelets or anticoagulants188 (20.1)6 (18.2)0.931
Diagnostic colonoscopy before procedure656 (70.4)30 (90.9)0.018
Type of procedure<0.001
Conventional EMR568 (60.9)5 (15.2)
EMR-C2 (0.2)0
EMR-L1 (0.1)0
Precut EMR31 (3.3)3 (9.1)
EPMR (piecemeal)71 (7.6)1 (3.0)
ESD-hybrid19 (2.0)5 (15.2)
Conventional ESD240 (25.8)19 (57.6)
Work experience of the operator, yr9.3±8.05.5±5.70.071
En bloc resection801 (85.9)27 (81.8)0.679
Complete resection (endoscopic)873 (93.8)28 (84.8)0.093
Endoscopic size, mm19.6±10.728.1±15.40.004
Endoscopic morphology*<0.001
Protruded609 (65.3)11 (33.3)
Flat58 (6.2)2 (6.1)
LST265 (28.4)20 (60.6)
LST-G-H56 (6.0)3 (9.1)
LST-G-MX82 (8.8)12 (36.4)
LST-NG-F76 (8.1)3 (9.1)
LST-NG-PD51 (5.5)2 (6.0)
Location of the lesion0.827
Right colon252 (27.0)10 (30.3)
Left colon441 (47.3)16 (48.5)
Rectum239 (25.6)7 (21.2)
Pathologic size, mm15.8±10.223.8±13.40.002
SM invasion group (n=877)0.002
Deep387 (45.8)24 (75.0)
Superficial458 (54.2)8 (25.0)
Complete resection (pathologic)613 (65.8)13 (40.6)0.001
Cancer involved lateral margin100 (10.7)11 (33.3)<0.001
Cancer involved vertical margin115 (12.3)8 (24.2)0.080

Data are presented as mean±SD or number (%)..

EMR, endoscopic mucosal resection; EMR-C, EMR with a cap; EMR-L, EMR with ligation; EPMR, endoscopic piecemeal mucosal resection; ESD, endoscopic submucosal dissection; LST, laterally spreading tumor; LST-G-H, LST-granular-homogenous; LST-G-MX, LST-granoular-nodular mixed; LST-NG-F, LST-nongranular-flat elevated; LST-NG-PD, LST-nongranular-pseudodepressed; SM, submucosal..

*Protruded, Paris classification Ip, Isp or Is; Flat, Paris classification II or III; Right colon, from cecum to splenic flexure; Left colon, descending and sigmoid colon; Deep SM invasion: SM2-3 or Haggitt level 4..

Table 5 . Details Regarding the Work Experience of the Operator.

Years of experienceWork experience of the operator (n=463)No perforation (n=448)Perforation (n=15)p-value
Experience, yr9.2±8.09.3±8.05.5±5.70.071
≤5 yr228 (49.2)217 (48.4)11 (73.3)0.351
>5 to 10 yr73 (15.8)71 (15.8)2 (13.3)
>10 to 15 yr60 (13.0)60 (13.4)0
>15 to 20 yr51 (11.0)50 (11.2)1 (6.7)
>20 yr51 (11.0)50 (11.2)1 (6.7)
>7 yr of experience198 (42.8)196 (43.8)2 (13.3)0.038

Data are presented as mean±SD or number (%)..

The endoscopic size of lesions was larger in the perforated group (28.1±15.4 mm vs 19.6±10.7 mm, p=0.004). The proportion of laterally spreading tumors was higher in the perforated group (60.6% vs 28.4%, p<0.001). Pathological lesion size was also larger in the perforated group (23.8±13.4 mm vs 15.8±10.2 mm, p=0.002), with a higher proportion of deep submucosal invasion (n=24 [27.0%] vs n=387 [45.8%], p=0.002). The rate of complete pathological resection was lower in the perforation group (40.6% vs 65.8%, p=0.001). Recurrences, metastases, and metachronous cancers did not differ in both groups during the follow-up.

The incidences of procedure-related perforations among endoscopic resection methods are illustrated in Fig. 2. The most common method linked to perforation was hybrid ESD (5/24, 20.8%), followed by precut EMR (3/34, 8.8%) and conventional ESD (19/259, 7.3%). In the post hoc analysis, precut EMR, hybrid ESD, and conventional ESD exhibited higher rates of perforation compared to conventional EMR. Conventional ESD had similar perforation rates to other resection methods, except for conventional EMR.

Figure 2. Incidence of procedure-related perforation according to endoscopic treatment methods for early colorectal cancer. EMR, endoscopic mucosal resection; EMR-C, EMR with a cap; EMR-L, EMR with ligation; EPMR, endoscopic piecemeal mucosal resection; ESD, endoscopic submucosal dissection; *p<0.05, p<0.01 in post hoc analysis.

The results of logistic regression analyses for the occurrence of perforation are presented in Table 6. The type of resection was categorized into five groups, combining conventional EMR, EMR with ligation, and EMR with a cap into an “EMR” group. The final multivariate model incorporated three variables: the type of resection, deep submucosal invasion, and operator’s working years. The group with deep submucosal invasion showed an odds ratio of approximately 5.71 compared to the superficial invasion group (p=0.011). As the operator gained more experience, the risk of perforation during the procedure showed decreasing tendency (odds ratio, 0.91; 95% confidence interval, 0.80 to 1.00; p=0.054). The ESD-hybrid group showed the highest risk of perforation, followed by the precut EMR and ESD groups. Fig. 3 shows a summary of the final model.

Figure 3. Multivariate logistic regression analysis of factors associated with procedure-related perforation occurrence. ESD, endoscopic submucosal dissection; EMR, endoscopic mucosal resection; SM, submucosal; EPMR, endoscopic piecemeal mucosal resection; SE, standard error; OR, odds ration; CI, confidence interval.

Table 6 . Logistic Regression Analysis of the Occurrence of Procedure-Related Perforation.

VariableUnivariate model (n=965)Multivariate model (n=417)Final model (n=417)
EstimateOR (95% CI)p-valueEstimateOR (95% CI)p-valueEstimateOR (95% CI)p-value
Age–0.0021.00 (0.96–1.04)0.93
Sex: male0.2631.30 (0.63–2.61)0.46
Body mass index–0.0570.94 (0.85–1.05)0.30
Hypertension: yes–0.2660.77 (0.36–1.55)0.47
Diabetes: yes–0.2440.78 (0.26–1.89)0.62
Working years–0.0850.92 (0.82–1.00)0.09–0.1020.90 (0.79–1.00)0.06–0.0980.91 (0.80–1.00)0.05
Type of procedures*
Precut EMR2.40311.05 (2.19–47.17)<0.013.70140.47 (4.36–895.36)<0.013.82545.82 (5.27–983.20)<0.01
EPMR (piecemeal)0.4751.61 (0.08–10.16)0.681.5854.88 (0.18–135.07)0.191.7365.67 (0.22–148.59)0.23
ESD-hybrid3.40330.05 (7.78–116.90)<0.014.23769.21 (6.59–1,662)<0.014.40181.57 (8.63–1,861)<0.01
Conventional ESD2.2029.04 (3.59–27.52)<0.012.60813.57 (1.84–278.17)0.012.77015.96 (2.62–306.20)0.01
Endoscopic size0.0481.04 (1.03–1.07)<0.010.0051.00 (0.95–1.05)0.92
Location of the lesion
Left colon–0.0900.91 (0.41–2.11)0.83
Rectum–0.3040.74 (0.26–1.95)0.54
Flat lesion vs protruded0.6471.91 (0.29–7.33)0.41
Laterally spreading tumor1.3543.87 (1.92–8.09)<0.010.2751.32 (0.39–4.51)0.93
Pathologic type§
Adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated0.1031.11 (0.55–2.32)0.78
Adenocarcinoma, poorly differentiated0.5731.77 (0.09–9.74)0.59
SM invasion group: deep1.4303.55 (1.64–8.52)<0.011.7705.87 (1.69–27.52)0.011.7425.71 (1.65–26.57)0.01

Data from patients with missing values for the variables included in the model were excluded in the multivariate analysis, resulting in a final dataset of 417 patients for the analysis. The results are expressed as mean±SD or number (%)..

OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval; EMR, endoscopic mucosal resection; EPMR, endoscopic piecemeal mucosal resection; ESD, endoscopic submucosal dissection; SM, submucosal..

*Compare each procedure type with the EMR group; Compare with the location of right colon; Flat lesion, Paris classification IIa, IIb, IIc or III; Protruded lesion, Paris classification Is, Isp, or Ip; §Compare with adenocarcinoma, well differentiated; Deep SM invasion: SM2-3 or Haggitt level 4..

6. Procedure-related perforation and prognosis

During the study period, there were a total of 27 deaths. The median follow-up period for the study population was 1,819 days. The occurrence of procedure-related perforations did not significantly affect the four prognostic outcomes: overall survival, local recurrence, distant recurrence, and metachronous colorectal cancer (Fig. 4). In perforated patients, age, sex, body mass index, methods for perforation confirmation, treatment modalities, and presence of combined bleeding did not affect overall survival (Supplementary Fig. 1). No significant differences were also observed in the three-group comparison of the timing of perforation confirmation. However, post hoc analysis revealed a lower overall survival in the group where perforation was detected within 6 hours after the procedure compared to the on-site detection group (Fig. 5). Among the total deaths, there were five ECC-related deaths. There was no significant difference in disease-specific survival according to the occurrence of perforation (p=0.661) (Supplementary Fig. 2).

Figure 4. Kaplan-Meier plots of the study population stratified by the presence of procedure-related perforation, (A) overall survival, (B) local recurrence, (C) distant metastasis, and (D) metachronous colorectal cancer.

Figure 5. Subgroup survival analysis for overall survival based on the timing of procedure-related perforation confirmation in perforated patients (*p<0.05).


In this study, we assessed characteristics of procedure-related perforations during endoscopic treatment of ECC. The perforation rate of endoscopic resection for ECC is 3.4% in our study, which can be considered a favorable treatment outcome compared to previous literatures. Notably, traditionally recognized factors, such as lesion size, depth of invasion, and type of resection, were significantly associated with perforation, whereas variables reflecting preoperative conditions, such as age, sex, and comorbidities, did not exhibit a substantial association. The type of resection, deep submucosal invasion, and operators' work experience were significant variables in predicting the occurrence of perforation, with the relative importance of lesion size diminishing in the multivariate analysis.

ESD-hybrid offers the advantages of shorter procedure time, simpler procedure, and lower difficulty level compared to conventional ESD.31 The reported incidence of procedure-related complications with ESD-hybrid is inconsistent, with some opinions suggesting a lower risk of complications, whereas others reporting similar rates of bleeding and perforation.30,32 In our study, the perforation risk of ESD-hybrid group exceeded that of conventional ESD group. This may be attributed to inadequate submucosal dissection before snaring or inaccurate snaring along the precutting margin, resulting in excessive tissue capture and subsequent muscle layer injury. Deep submucosal invasion could be another reason for higher perforation risk of ESD-hybrid. Among patients who experienced perforation following ESD-hybrid, four (80%) had deep submucosal invasion, suggesting that ESD-hybrid may not be an optimal resection method for lesions with suspicious deep invasion.

Although not statistically significant, the perforated patients had less operator's working experience compared to non-perforated patients (5.5 years vs 9.3 years, p=0.071). Furthermore, endoscopists with more than 7 years of experience performed safer procedures with fewer perforations compared to those with less experience. These findings highlight the importance of experience and skill for safe endoscopic resection of ECC. There are previous studies indicating a close relationship between endoscopists’ experiences and the complication occurrence. A recent cohort study reported significantly higher rates of muscularis propria damage and perforation following colorectal ESD in trainee groups compared to experts.33 A meta-analysis for risk factors of perforation during colorectal ESD suggested that the risk is approximately 1.6 times higher among lesser experienced endoscopists.22 Lesions suspected to be ECC typically require a more aggressive treatment approach than common adenomas, resulting in an increased risk of complications including perforation. Therefore, in future studies, proposing the optimal timing along the learning curve for safe endoscopic procedures of ECCs with minimizing complications appears to be a promising research topic.

The rate of perforation was higher in cases of deep submucosal invasion in our data, making dissection difficult and increasing perforation risk.34,35 Contrary to these findings, free vertical resection margin from cancer was not significantly associated with perforation; rather, free lateral resection margin was fewer in the perforated group compared to non-perforation group. This can be attributed to several factors. First, a large lesion leads to an expanded resection burden, increasing the perforation risk and incomplete resection. Second, the endoscopist may no longer aim for complete resection due to the perforation and subsequent treatments such as endoscopic clipping. Third, perforation may be a byproduct of aggressive dissection for complete resection, rather than being directly associated with lateral margin positivity itself.

Non-perforated patients had a lower rate of diagnostic endoscopy before endoscopic resection compared to perforated patients (70.4% vs 90.9%, p<0.018). When ECC lesions were incidentally discovered during routine colonoscopy and excision is attempted on-site, there may be a preference for less invasive resection method compared to planned treatments. This preference was supported by the fact that EMR-based procedures were more commonly performed in patients who underwent on-site resection during diagnostic colonoscopy, rather than in therapeutic endoscopy cases of ECCs. In fact, the rate of prior diagnostic endoscopy in the EMR group is 59.4%, which is lower compared to 76.5%–91.9% in other treatment groups.

Procedure-related perforations did not have a significant impact on prognosis of ECC patients after the endoscopic resection. However, in the subgroup analysis for perforated patients, on-site identified group showed better overall survival compared to the group identified within 6 hours after the procedure. Delayed detection of perforation can lead to increased peritoneal contamination, infection, and a higher risk of surgical management and postoperative complications.36-38 On-site identification of perforation allows for subsequent endoscopic closure, and if necessary, facilitates fast referral to a surgeon.39 Surprisingly, perforated patients identified 6 hours post-procedure did not show inferior prognosis compared to other groups. This contradiction can be attributed to the rarity of cases in our study (2/33, 6.1%), leading to a lack of survival events during follow-up.

One strength of this study is the access to a large-scale cohort database derived from multiple referral hospitals, covering demographics, medical conditions, endoscopic and pathologic findings, and prognosis. Additionally, we investigated the risk of procedure-related perforation associated with various types of endoscopic resection currently used in clinical practice for treating ECC. However, our study also has limitations. Firstly, despite efforts to obtain as refined data as possible, this retrospective study analyzed data from 10 healthcare institutions over 12 years, resulting in inevitable heterogeneity within the cohort. Secondly, procedural details such as indications and techniques of each resection type, accessories or equipment could not be obtained from the cohort data. Future studies are needed to provide a clearer understanding of the impact of technical or equipment-related variables on the complications of endoscopic resection. Thirdly, we only evaluated overall survival as a general prognostic outcome; other clinical outcomes, such as hospital stay days, were unavailable. While several studies have reported prolonged hospital stays following perforations after endoscopic resection,40-42 future research related to procedure-related perforation should assess indicators that consider the health and economic burdens as well as patient survival. Fourthly, we were unable to analyze the impact of submucosal invasion depth or fibrosis on the occurrence of perforations due to the lack of relevant data. To date, efforts have been made to evaluate the depth of submucosal invasion using endoscopic findings, combined with advanced techniques such as chromoendoscopy and image-enhanced endoscopy. Submucosal fibrosis has also been addressed as a crucial factor in previous literature on perforations during endoscopic resection. Future researchers should consider these variables as an important candidate predictor for procedure-related perforation. Lastly, we adopted SM2 and SM3 as the definition for deep submucosal invasion due to the limitations of our dataset, instead of the threshold of 1,000 micrometers typically applied in non-pedunculated polyps.

In conclusion, procedure-related perforations during endoscopic resection rarely occur and do not affect the prognosis, underscoring the safety as a modality for ECC treatment. The type of resection was the most critical factor in predicting the risk of perforation. Large-scale prospective studies for predicting the risk of complications of endoscopic resection will be needed to achieve safer and more effective treatment for ECC.


The authors acknowledge and would like to thank all members and participants of the ENTER-K (Early Colorectal Malignant Neoplasm Treated with Endoscopic Resection: Korean cohort study) cohort study group.


H.J.L. is an editorial board member of the journal but was not involved in the peer reviewer selection, evaluation, or decision process of this article. No other potential conflicts of interest relevant to this article were reported.


Study concept and design: I.H.J., H.G.K., Y.S.C. Data acquisition: I.H.J., H.G.K., Y.S.C., H.J.L., E.R.K., Y.J.L., S.W.H., K.O.K., J.L., H.S.C., Y.J., C.M.M. Data analysis and interpretation: I.H.J., H.G.K., Y.S.C. Drafting of the manuscript: I.H.J. Critical revision of the manuscript: H.G.K., Y.S.C. All authors approved the final submission.


Supplementary materials can be accessed at

Fig 1.

Figure 1.The composition of the study population. EMR, endoscopic mucosal resection; ESD, endoscopic submucosal dissection; EPMR, endoscopic piecemeal mucosal resection; EMR-C, EMR with a cap; EMR-L, EMR with ligation.
Gut and Liver 2025; 19: 95-107

Fig 2.

Figure 2.Incidence of procedure-related perforation according to endoscopic treatment methods for early colorectal cancer. EMR, endoscopic mucosal resection; EMR-C, EMR with a cap; EMR-L, EMR with ligation; EPMR, endoscopic piecemeal mucosal resection; ESD, endoscopic submucosal dissection; *p<0.05, p<0.01 in post hoc analysis.
Gut and Liver 2025; 19: 95-107

Fig 3.

Figure 3.Multivariate logistic regression analysis of factors associated with procedure-related perforation occurrence. ESD, endoscopic submucosal dissection; EMR, endoscopic mucosal resection; SM, submucosal; EPMR, endoscopic piecemeal mucosal resection; SE, standard error; OR, odds ration; CI, confidence interval.
Gut and Liver 2025; 19: 95-107

Fig 4.

Figure 4.Kaplan-Meier plots of the study population stratified by the presence of procedure-related perforation, (A) overall survival, (B) local recurrence, (C) distant metastasis, and (D) metachronous colorectal cancer.
Gut and Liver 2025; 19: 95-107

Fig 5.

Figure 5.Subgroup survival analysis for overall survival based on the timing of procedure-related perforation confirmation in perforated patients (*p<0.05).
Gut and Liver 2025; 19: 95-107

Table 1 Baseline Characteristics of the Study Population

CharacteristicTotal (n=965)
Age, yr63.4±9.7
Male sex351 (36.4)
Height, cm162.6±8.6
Weight, kg64.7±11.1
Body mass index, kg/m2 (n=933)24.4±3.4
<18.531 (3.3)
18.5 to <23.0278 (29.8)
23.0 to <25.0251 (26.9)
25.0 to <30.0320 (34.2)
≥30.053 (5.7)
Alcohol consumption
None606 (62.8)
Social drinker231 (23.9)
Heavy drinker128 (13.3)
Smoking history
Never smoker665 (68.9)
Ex-smoker144 (14.9)
Current smoker156 (16.2)
Concomitant diseases
Cardiovascular118 (12.2)
Cerebrovascular7 (0.7)
Hypertension410 (42.5)
Diabetes178 (18.4)
Dyslipidemia63 (6.5)
Malignancy103 (10.7)
Chronic renal disease18 (1.9)
Chronic liver disease39 (4.0)
ASA classification
I286 (29.6)
II537 (55.6)
More than III142 (14.7)
Antiplatelets176 (18.2)
Anticoagulants18 (1.9)
Family history of colorectal cancer44 (4.6)
History of colorectal polyps93 (9.6)
CEA level before the treatment, ng/mL2.2±2.2

Data are presented as mean±SD or number (%).

ASA, American Society of Anesthesiologists; CEA, carcinoembryonic antigen.

Table 2 Endoscopic and Pathologic Characteristics of the Study Population

VariableTotal (n=965)
Endoscopic features
Diagnostic colonoscopy before the treatment686 (71.1)
Imaging modalities for the early colon cancer: yes907 (94.0)
CT scan894 (92.6)
PET CT19 (2.0)
MRI7 (0.7)
Ultrasound5 (0.5)
Type of procedure
Conventional EMR573 (59.4)
EMR-C2 (0.2)
EMR-L1 (0.1)
Precut EMR34 (3.5)
EPMR (piecemeal)72 (7.5)
ESD-hybrid24 (2.5)
Conventional ESD259 (26.8)
Work experience of the operator, yr9.2±8.0
Endoscopic size of the lesion, mm19.9±11.0
Conventional EMR15.8±6.7
Precut EMR20.0±7.9
EPMR (piecemeal)26.6±11.8
Conventional ESD26.0±13.2
Location of the lesion*
Right colon262 (27.2)
Left colon457 (47.4)
Rectum246 (25.4)
Paris classification (n=672)
IIa45 (6.7)
Is287 (42.7)
Isp152 (22.6)
Ip181 (26.9)
IIb, IIc or III7 (1.0)
LST (n=285)
LST-G-H59 (6.2)
LST-G-MX94 (9.8)
LST-NG-F79 (8.3)
LST-NG-PD53 (5.5)
En bloc resection828 (85.8)
Complete resection (endoscopic)901 (93.4)
Pathologic features
Pathology of the lesions
Well differentiated406 (42.1)
Moderate differentiated536 (55.5)
Poorly differentiated18 (1.9)
Mucinous adenocarcinoma1 (0.1)
Micropapillary adenocarcinoma1 (0.1)
Signet ring cell carcinoma2 (0.2)
Neuroendocrine carcinoma1 (0.1)
Pathologic size of the lesion (mm)16.0±10.5
SM invasion, μm (n=877)1,486±1,405
SM invasion group§
Deep411 (46.9)
Superficial466 (53.1)
Haggitt level (n=36)
Level 110 (27.8)
Level 29 (25.0)
Level 312 (33.3)
Level 45 (13.9)
Complete resection (pathologic)626 (64.9)
Cancer lateral margin involvement111 (11.5)
Cancer vertical margin involvement123 (12.7)
Lymphovascular invasion116 (12.0)
Perineural invasion3 (0.3)
Tumor budding144 (14.9)

Data are presented as number (%) or mean±SD.

CT, computed tomography; PET, positron emission tomography; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; EMR, endoscopic mucosal resection; EMR-C, EMR with a cap; EMR-L, EMR with ligation; EPMR, endoscopic piecemeal mucosal resection; ESD, endoscopic submucosal dissection; LST, laterally spreading tumor; LST-G-H, LST-granular-homogenous; LST-G-MX, LST-granoular-nodular mixed; LST-NG-F, LST-nongranular-flat elevated; LST-NG-PD, LST-nongranular-pseudodepressed; SM, submucosal.

*Right colon, from cecum to splenic flexure; Left colon, descending and sigmoid colon; Lesions less than 10 mm; Lesions 10 mm or over; §Deep SM invasion: SM2-3 or Haggitt level 4; Not invaded by cancer or invasion of adenomatous tissue.

Table 3 Characteristics of Perforated Cases

VariableTotal (n=965)
Perforation33 (3.4)
Time of perforation detection
Within 6 hr18 (54.5)
After 6 hr2 (6.1)
During the procedure13 (39.4)
Confirmation of perforation
Endoscopic24 (84.8)
Imaging study9 (15.2)
Combined bleeding14 (42.4)
During the procedure14 (100)
After the procedure0
Treatment of perforation
Conservative treatment6 (18.2)
Endoscopic treatment23 (69.7)
Surgery4 (12.1)

Data are presented as number (%).

Table 4 Differences in Clinical Characteristics Depending on the Occurrence of Procedure-Related Perforation

VariableNo perforation (n=932)Perforation (n=33)p-value
Age, yr63.4±9.863.2±9.70.934
Male sex595 (63.8)19 (57.6)0.582
Body mass index, kg/m224.5±3.423.8±2.80.299
Concomitant diseases
Cardiovascular113 (12.1)5 (15.2)0.802
Cerebrovascular7 (0.8)01.000
Hypertension398 (42.7)12 (36.4)0.586
Diabetes173 (18.6)5 (15.2)0.789
Dyslipidemia62 (6.7)1 (3.0)0.639
Malignancy100 (10.7)3 (9.1)0.990
Chronic renal disease18 (1.9)00.880
Chronic liver disease37 (4.0)2 (6.1)0.881
Antiplatelets or anticoagulants188 (20.1)6 (18.2)0.931
Diagnostic colonoscopy before procedure656 (70.4)30 (90.9)0.018
Type of procedure<0.001
Conventional EMR568 (60.9)5 (15.2)
EMR-C2 (0.2)0
EMR-L1 (0.1)0
Precut EMR31 (3.3)3 (9.1)
EPMR (piecemeal)71 (7.6)1 (3.0)
ESD-hybrid19 (2.0)5 (15.2)
Conventional ESD240 (25.8)19 (57.6)
Work experience of the operator, yr9.3±8.05.5±5.70.071
En bloc resection801 (85.9)27 (81.8)0.679
Complete resection (endoscopic)873 (93.8)28 (84.8)0.093
Endoscopic size, mm19.6±10.728.1±15.40.004
Endoscopic morphology*<0.001
Protruded609 (65.3)11 (33.3)
Flat58 (6.2)2 (6.1)
LST265 (28.4)20 (60.6)
LST-G-H56 (6.0)3 (9.1)
LST-G-MX82 (8.8)12 (36.4)
LST-NG-F76 (8.1)3 (9.1)
LST-NG-PD51 (5.5)2 (6.0)
Location of the lesion0.827
Right colon252 (27.0)10 (30.3)
Left colon441 (47.3)16 (48.5)
Rectum239 (25.6)7 (21.2)
Pathologic size, mm15.8±10.223.8±13.40.002
SM invasion group (n=877)0.002
Deep387 (45.8)24 (75.0)
Superficial458 (54.2)8 (25.0)
Complete resection (pathologic)613 (65.8)13 (40.6)0.001
Cancer involved lateral margin100 (10.7)11 (33.3)<0.001
Cancer involved vertical margin115 (12.3)8 (24.2)0.080

Data are presented as mean±SD or number (%).

EMR, endoscopic mucosal resection; EMR-C, EMR with a cap; EMR-L, EMR with ligation; EPMR, endoscopic piecemeal mucosal resection; ESD, endoscopic submucosal dissection; LST, laterally spreading tumor; LST-G-H, LST-granular-homogenous; LST-G-MX, LST-granoular-nodular mixed; LST-NG-F, LST-nongranular-flat elevated; LST-NG-PD, LST-nongranular-pseudodepressed; SM, submucosal.

*Protruded, Paris classification Ip, Isp or Is; Flat, Paris classification II or III; Right colon, from cecum to splenic flexure; Left colon, descending and sigmoid colon; Deep SM invasion: SM2-3 or Haggitt level 4.

Table 5 Details Regarding the Work Experience of the Operator

Years of experienceWork experience of the operator (n=463)No perforation (n=448)Perforation (n=15)p-value
Experience, yr9.2±8.09.3±8.05.5±5.70.071
≤5 yr228 (49.2)217 (48.4)11 (73.3)0.351
>5 to 10 yr73 (15.8)71 (15.8)2 (13.3)
>10 to 15 yr60 (13.0)60 (13.4)0
>15 to 20 yr51 (11.0)50 (11.2)1 (6.7)
>20 yr51 (11.0)50 (11.2)1 (6.7)
>7 yr of experience198 (42.8)196 (43.8)2 (13.3)0.038

Data are presented as mean±SD or number (%).

Table 6 Logistic Regression Analysis of the Occurrence of Procedure-Related Perforation

VariableUnivariate model (n=965)Multivariate model (n=417)Final model (n=417)
EstimateOR (95% CI)p-valueEstimateOR (95% CI)p-valueEstimateOR (95% CI)p-value
Age–0.0021.00 (0.96–1.04)0.93
Sex: male0.2631.30 (0.63–2.61)0.46
Body mass index–0.0570.94 (0.85–1.05)0.30
Hypertension: yes–0.2660.77 (0.36–1.55)0.47
Diabetes: yes–0.2440.78 (0.26–1.89)0.62
Working years–0.0850.92 (0.82–1.00)0.09–0.1020.90 (0.79–1.00)0.06–0.0980.91 (0.80–1.00)0.05
Type of procedures*
Precut EMR2.40311.05 (2.19–47.17)<0.013.70140.47 (4.36–895.36)<0.013.82545.82 (5.27–983.20)<0.01
EPMR (piecemeal)0.4751.61 (0.08–10.16)0.681.5854.88 (0.18–135.07)0.191.7365.67 (0.22–148.59)0.23
ESD-hybrid3.40330.05 (7.78–116.90)<0.014.23769.21 (6.59–1,662)<0.014.40181.57 (8.63–1,861)<0.01
Conventional ESD2.2029.04 (3.59–27.52)<0.012.60813.57 (1.84–278.17)0.012.77015.96 (2.62–306.20)0.01
Endoscopic size0.0481.04 (1.03–1.07)<0.010.0051.00 (0.95–1.05)0.92
Location of the lesion
Left colon–0.0900.91 (0.41–2.11)0.83
Rectum–0.3040.74 (0.26–1.95)0.54
Flat lesion vs protruded0.6471.91 (0.29–7.33)0.41
Laterally spreading tumor1.3543.87 (1.92–8.09)<0.010.2751.32 (0.39–4.51)0.93
Pathologic type§
Adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated0.1031.11 (0.55–2.32)0.78
Adenocarcinoma, poorly differentiated0.5731.77 (0.09–9.74)0.59
SM invasion group: deep1.4303.55 (1.64–8.52)<0.011.7705.87 (1.69–27.52)0.011.7425.71 (1.65–26.57)0.01

Data from patients with missing values for the variables included in the model were excluded in the multivariate analysis, resulting in a final dataset of 417 patients for the analysis. The results are expressed as mean±SD or number (%).

OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval; EMR, endoscopic mucosal resection; EPMR, endoscopic piecemeal mucosal resection; ESD, endoscopic submucosal dissection; SM, submucosal.

*Compare each procedure type with the EMR group; Compare with the location of right colon; Flat lesion, Paris classification IIa, IIb, IIc or III; Protruded lesion, Paris classification Is, Isp, or Ip; §Compare with adenocarcinoma, well differentiated; Deep SM invasion: SM2-3 or Haggitt level 4.


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Gut and Liver

Vol.19 No.1
January, 2025

pISSN 1976-2283
eISSN 2005-1212



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