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Yong Chan Lee |
Professor of Medicine Director, Gastrointestinal Research Laboratory Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Univ. California San Francisco San Francisco, USA |
Jong Pil Im | Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea |
Robert S. Bresalier | University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, USA |
Steven H. Itzkowitz | Mount Sinai Medical Center, NY, USA |
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Seiichiro Abe1 , Shih Yea Sylvia Wu1
, Mai Ego1
, Hiroyuki Takamaru1
, Masau Sekiguchi1,2
, Masayoshi Yamada1
, Satoru Nonaka1
, Taku Sakamoto1
, Haruhisa Suzuki1
, Shigetaka Yoshinaga1
, Takahisa Matsuda1,2
, Ichiro Oda1
, Yutaka Saito1
Correspondence to: Seiichiro Abe
Endoscopy Division, National Cancer Center Hospital, 5-1-1 Tsukiji, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0045, Japan
Tel: +81-3-3542-2511, Fax: +81-3-3542-3815, E-mail:
Gut Liver 2020;14(6):673-684.
Published online January 3, 2020, Published date November 15, 2020
Copyright © Gut and Liver.
This systematic review aimed to assess the efficacy of the current approach to tissue traction during the endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) of superficial esophageal cancer, early gastric cancer, and colorectal neoplasms. We performed a systematic electronic literature search of articles published in PubMed and selected comparative studies to investigate the treatment outcomes of tractionassisted versus conventional ESD. Using the keywords, we retrieved 381 articles, including five eligible articles on the esophagus, 13 on the stomach, and 12 on the colorectum. A total of seven randomized controlled trials and 23 retrospective studies were identified. Clip line traction and submucosal tunneling were effective in reducing the procedural time during esophageal ESD. The efficacy of traction methods in gastric ESD varied in terms of the devices and strategies used depending on the lesion location and degree of submucosal fibrosis. Several prospective and retrospective studies utilized traction devices without the need to reinsert the colonoscope. When pocket creation is included, the traction devices and methods effectively shorten the procedural time during colorectal ESD. Although the efficacy is dependent on the organ and tumor locations, several traction techniques have been demonstrated to be efficacious in facilitating ESD by maintaining satisfactory traction during dissection.
Keywords: Endoscopic submucosal dissection, Traction, Early gastric cancer, Esophageal neoplasms, Colorectal neoplasms
Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) is a minimally invasive treatment allowing for
One of the reasons contributing to technical difficulty is the lack of traction. During surgical procedure, surgeons are able to access and provide direct traction to the tissue to be dissected. In contrast, endoscopists do not have the benefit of hand-assisted traction during ESD without the use of specific devices and methods. Previously percutaneous tissue traction and magnetic anchor traction were introduced for gastric ESD during 2000s in Japan.10,11 However, the former was invasive and challenging in terms of obtaining optimal traction direction, and the latter required a sizable extracorporeal electromagnetic control system not always feasible in an endoscopy room. Similarly, sinker assisted ESD was reported by Saito
Several novel traction devices and strategy have been introduced and developed to facilitate ESD. The aim of this systematic review was to assess the efficacy of the current approach to tissue traction during ESD of superficial esophageal cancer, EGC, and colorectal neoplasms.
In this study, the traction method was defined as novel endoscopic devices and techniques, not including the well-recognized cap and gravity assisted traction known to facilitate ESD. We performed a systematic electronic literature search for articles on ESD traction methods and techniques published in PubMed from 2000 until May 2019. Two authors (S.A. and S.Y.S.W.) independently participated in the literature search, study selection, and data extraction. The search terms included “endoscopic submucosal dissection” and “traction or tunnel or pocket,” and was limited to fully-published comparative ESD studies of the esophagus, stomach, colon and rectum in English and adult human studies. Case reports, single-arm case series, and animal studies were excluded. Moreover, ESD studies of subepithelial neoplasms were also excluded. Using a standardized data extraction form, the following information were collected from each study: patient demographics, the efficacy of the traction technique, and adverse events.
Using the listed keywords, 381 articles were retrieved. We identified 30 eligible studies in the systematic literature search: five articles of the esophagus, 13 of the stomach and 12 of the colorectum. Seven randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and 23 retrospective studies were included. Of the retrospective studies, propensity matching score analysis was performed in five. There was no disagreement of the literature search between the two authors.
Esophageal ESD is technically challenging for several reasons. Firstly, the narrow lumen of the esophagus renders gravity countertraction less effective. Secondly, the resected specimen retracts distally during dissection, making it difficult to maintain orientation and adequate traction. Furthermore, the thin wall of the esophagus increases the risk of perforation.13 In the systematic literature search, one RCT and four retrospective comparative esophageal ESD studies were included. Three studies investigated the efficacy of clip line traction, and the remaining two articles evaluated endoscopic submucosal tunneling dissection (ESTD) compared with conventional ESD (Table 1).14-18
Clip line traction is a simple and an inexpensive technique to obtain traction during ESD.19 An endoclip is inserted through the accessory channel of a gastroscope, and a thread, typically dental floss, is tied to the tip of the endoclip outside the patient. The clip with thread is then applied to the proximal edge of the lesion. The thread is pulled through the mouth proximally and gentle pressure applied to the string, thereby optimizing visualization of the submucosal layer throughout dissection. One RCT by Koike
ESTD is the technique in which the mucosal incision of the proximal and then distal margins are performed sequentially, followed by making a communication between the two ends dissecting the submucosa proximal to distally. The advantage of ESTD is the ability to achieve a stable scope position inside the tunnel, with improved visualization of the submucosal space due to the effective tissue traction maintained during the procedure (Fig 1). ESTD is indicted for lesions >20 mm in diameter and involving at least one third of the esophageal circumference.20 A propensity matching analysis by Huang
Although one retrospective study did not show superiority of traction-assisted ESD of the esophagus, traction methods overall were safe and effective in reducing procedural time and avoiding muscle injury during esophageal ESD. Further multicenter RCTs will provide a more definitive conclusion.
Among the 13 eligible articles of gastric ESD, we identified two RCTs, and 11 retrospective comparative studies.22-34 Ten studies compared the efficacy of ESD traction devices, and three other studies investigated the efficacy of traction strategy compared with conventional ESD (Table 2).
Clip line traction, including some modified methods, was the most commonly identified traction device in gastric ESD. Both clips and lines are readily available and inexpensive. Three studies used dental floss because the knot in the dental floss on the clip remains tight and would not loosen. Only minimal mucosal injury may be caused by the dental floss as it is shaped like a flat ribbon, in contrast to silk suture which is thin and cylindrical in shape (Fig. 2).31 Based on the results of the two single-center retrospective studies showing dental floss clip (DFC) line traction significantly shortened ESD procedural time compared with conventional ESD,31,32 a RCT (CONNECT-G) was conducted. This study included 319 patients undergoing DFC-ESD, and 316 patients undergoing conventional ESD in the analysis. There was no significant difference in the mean ESD procedural time (58.1 and 60.7 minutes for conventional ESD and DFC-ESD, respectively p=0.45). Although the study did not meet the primary endpoint, perforation was significantly less frequent in the DFC-ESD group (0.3% vs 2.2%, p=0.04). Moreover, sub-analysis showed that for lesions located in the greater curvature of the upper or middle stomach, the mean procedural time was significantly shorter in the DFC-ESD group (57.2 minutes vs 104.1 minutes, p=0.01). DFC traction pulls lesions in the direction of the cardia, providing direct, vertical traction force on the mucosal flap lifting it from the submucosa, and allowing appropriate visualization of the dissection line for problematic lesions located in the greater curvature of the upper or middle stomach.33
Double scope method was also reported to be effective in reducing the procedural time in ESD of EGC with ulcerative scars.26 An RCT of ESD by nonexpert endoscopists was conducted by Ahn
There are reasons unique to colorectal ESD making it a challenging procedure, compared to ESD of neoplasms in other anatomical locations. The thinner colonic walls especially in the proximal colon, the presence of flexures and folds, and peristaltic movements are some of the factors which impact on the ESD procedures.35 Along with ongoing refinement of devices and techniques, traction methods have been developed for these reasons. Over the recent few years, the traction methods utilized can be applied to lesions located in any section of the colorectum. Certain former techniques were limited to sigmoid-rectal lesions,36 or some required the withdrawal and reinsertion of scope for lesions in the proximal colon. In total, there were four RCTs and eight retrospective comparative studies reporting on traction methods for colorectal ESD fitting the criteria described under the method section (Table 3).36-47
As mentioned in the former chapter, clip line traction is regarded as an uncomplicated technique to obtain satisfactory traction. However, it is troublesome during colorectal ESD if withdrawal of the endoscope is required to attach a string to an endoclip outside the patient, before reinsertion and continuing with the dissection. Various modifications to the clip line have been demonstrated to be effective for colorectal ESD, as well as in the stomach.37,39,41,44 Yamasaki
S-O clip is a novel device designed by Sakamoto
There were smaller retrospective comparative studies which have devised other traction strategy. Ye
There were several studies documenting the efficacy of the pocket creation method (PCM). PCM was introduced and developed by the Hayashi and Yamamoto group.51,52 In this procedure, a mucosal entry was first created, allowing the endoscope to enter the submucosal space. The submucosal pocket was advanced not only in a forward fashion but also laterally both ways. After creating the pocket, mucosal incision was extended segmentally from the edges of the submucosal pocket (Fig. 4). This method prevents injection leakage, and maintains a stable scope position inside the pocket while sustaining good traction. This approach also allows for tangential scope access even in challenging locations. In the retrospective study conducted by the Takezawa
All colonic ESD studies were single-centered, and further multicenter trials are warranted to examine the generalizability and applicability of these results.
Over the recent years, several traction methods have been applied to facilitate technically demanding ESD. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first review article summarizing and providing an overview of the efficacy of ESD traction techniques according to the organ systems. Five articles of traction methods in the esophagus, 13 in the stomach, and 12 in the colon and rectum were included.
In esophageal ESD, clip line traction was commonly used and shown to significantly reduce the procedural time in one RCT. Because esophagus is a straight tube with little diversity, invariably traction can be applied proximally and maintained until the end of the procedure regardless of the lesion size and location. Additionally, submucosal tunneling technique allows a stable scope position inside the tunnel while providing sufficient traction in the straight lumen of the esophagus. This enables faster submucosal dissection as demonstrated by the two retrospective studies. Moreover, muscle injury was less likely to occur in both the clip line traction and tunneling techniques.
In gastric ESD, there was no significant difference in the procedural time between traction-assisted ESD and conventional ESD in the two RCTs. Gastric ESD is considered to be technically less demanding than esophageal and colorectal ESD, because stomach has a wider working space and the muscle layer is much thicker than that of esophagus and colon. Basic traction technique using gravity or endoscopic cap may provide adequate traction, and clip line traction is shown to be effective only for challenging locations such as the greater curvature of the upper gastric body as shown by Yoshida
Although standard clip line traction is effective in ESD of upper gastrointestinal tract, it is not feasible during colonic ESD because of the need to withdraw and reinsert the colonoscopes. Thus, some modified clip line traction and the unique S-O clip, which do not interfere with endoscope maneuverability, are more prevalent and both have been shown to be effective in a few RCTs. In addition, PCM is advantageous in maintaining tissue traction during colorectal ESD. Preferred traction methods can be selected depending on the tumor location. In terms of all the studies to date, there are currently no head to head comparisons between the traction techniques.
Advantages and disadvantages of traction methods are shown in Table 4. Ideally, a systematic data analysis was desirable, however, it was very difficult to analyze the entire data and perform a meta-analysis owing to several large heterogeneities of the inclusion criteria of the lesion as well as traction devices and techniques among studies. Further prospective studies are warranted to confirm the evidence of traction-assisted ESD.
This article systematically reviewed comparative studies to investigate the efficacy of current traction devices and strategy. Although the effectiveness is dependent on the organ and tumor location, traction techniques facilitate ESD procedures mainly in reducing the procedural time and or dissection time overall.
No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.
Study concept and design: S.A. Data acquisition and interpretation: S.A., S.Y.S.W., M.E. Drafting of the manuscript: S.A., S.Y.S.W., M.E. Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: H.T., M.S., M.Y., S.N., T.S., H.S., S.Y., T.M., I.O., Y.S. Final approval of the manuscript: I.O., Y.S.
Clinical Outcomes between Traction-Assisted ESD and Conventional ESD of the Esophagus
Author (year) | Traction method | Design | Cases, n (study/control) |
Lesion size, mm (study/control) |
Specimen size, mm (study/control) |
Procedure time, min (study/control) |
Dissection speed, mm2/min (study/control) |
% (study/control) |
Complete resection, % (study/control) |
Ota |
Clip and line | Retrospective | 67/20 | 28.1/26.4* | - | 104/156* (p=0.003) |
- | - | - |
Koike |
Clip and line | RCT | 20/20 | 24.0/27.0† | 35.5/37.0† | 19.8/31.8*,‡ (p=0.044) |
- | 100/100 | - |
Xie |
Clip and line | Retrospective | 50/50 | 40.0/43.0† | - | 27.58/34.79†,‡ (p=0.252) |
- | - | - |
Zhang |
Tunneling | Retrospective | 52/98 | - | 15.37/12.95*,§ | 93.2/92.4* (p=0.944) |
21.5/16.1* (p=0.002) |
96.15/88.78 | 84.62/86.73 |
Huang |
Tunneling | Retrospective‖ | 38/38 | - | 39.0/36.0† | 38.0/48.0† (p=0.006) |
23/17† (p<0.001) |
100/100 | 100/94.7 |
ESD, endoscopic submucosal dissection; RCT, randomized controlled trial.
*Mean; †Median; ‡Dissection time; §Specimen area (cm2); ‖Propensity score matching.
Clinical Outcomes between Traction-Assisted ESD and Conventional ESD of the Stomach
Author (year) | Traction method | Design | Cases, n (study/control) |
Lesion size, mm (study/control) |
Specimen size, mm (study/control) |
Procedure time, min (study/control) |
% (study/control) |
Complete resection, % (study/control) |
Hijikata |
Sheath-assisted | Retrospective | 25/43 | 40.0/38.1† | - | 75.0/108.1† (p<0.05) | 100/100 | - |
Okamoto |
Clip and line/clip line mounted on the scope |
Retrospective | 15/15/15 | 15/14/14* | - | 62/84/96* (p=0.019 | - | 100/100/100 |
Ahn |
Double scope | RCT | 26/25 | 20.5/19.4† | - | 29.2/26.2† (p=0.33) | 100/100 | 96.2/96.0 |
Higuchi |
Double scope | Retrospective | 30/27‡ | 20/18* | 45/43* | 80/101* (p=0.22) | 100/89 | 90/78 |
Masumoto |
Elastic band | Retrospective | 37/37 | - | 39.8/32.6* | 3.18/6.3*,§ (p<0.01) | - | - |
Suzuki |
Clip and line | Retrospective‖ | 43/43 | - | 37.3/39.3† | 82.2/118.2† (p=0.002) | 97.7/100 | 90.7/95.3 |
Yoshida |
Clip and line | Retrospective | 95/104 | 17/16† | 46/46† | 43/52† (p<0.01) | 100/100 | 97.1/96.2 |
Noda |
Clip and line with a snare sheath | Retrospective | 54/34 | - | 34/30* | 60/90* (p=0.015) | 100/97.1 | - |
Yoshida |
Clip and line | RCT | 319/316 | 15.7/15.5† | 39.2/39.0† | 58.1/60.7† (p=0.45) | 100/100 | 97.8/96.8 |
Hashimoto |
S-O clip | Retrospective‖ | 48/48 | - | 37.4/35.1† | 47.2/69.2† (p=0.035) | 100/100 | - |
Feng |
Tunneling | Retrospective | 7/7 | - | 1,181.99/1,166.29†,¶ | 69.0/87.7† (p=0.01) | 100/100 | 85.7/100 |
Harada |
Saline pocket | Retrospective‖ | 48/48 | 15.0/15.5* | 34.0/32.5* | 27.5/41.0* (p<0.001) | 100/100 | 97.9/95.8 |
Zhang |
Tunneling | Retrospective | 32/55** | - | 1,573.0 vs 930.1†,¶ (p<0.01) |
83.7/136.7† (p<0.01) | 100/87.3 (p=0.035) |
- |
ESD, endoscopic submucosal dissection; RCT, randomized controlled trial.
*Median; †Mean; ‡Only early gastric cancer with ulceration; §Dissection time per cm2 (min/cm2); ‖Propensity score matching; ¶Specimen area (mm2); **Included only the lesion in the lesser curvature.
Clinical Outcomes between Traction-Assisted ESD and Conventional ESD of the Colorectum
Author (year) | Traction method | Design | Cases, n (study/control) |
Tumor size, mm (study/control) |
Procedure time, min (study/control) |
% (study/control) |
Complete resection, % (study/control) |
Uraoka |
Double scope | Retrospective | 21/16 | 43.6/42.4* | 96/116* (p=0.18) | 100/100 | - |
Okamoto |
Clip line (with balloon overtube) | Retrospective | 15/15 | 37.3/36.1* | 126/165* (p<0.05) | - | 93.3/86.6 |
Ritsuno |
S-O line | RCT | 27/23 | 33.5/37.8* | 37.4/67.1* (p=0.03) | 100/95.7 (p=0.28) | - |
Yamada |
Clip line (clip-prelooping snare) |
Retrospective | 17/123 | 32.5/33.9* | 45.6/70.1* (p=0.047) | 100/96.7 (p=1) | 100/91.1 (p=0.36) |
Sakamoto |
PCM | Retrospective | 73/53 | 27/25† | 19/14†,‡ (p=0.03) | 100/92 (p=0.03) | 93/91 (p=0.74) |
Mori |
Clip line (clip and ring-shaped thread) |
RCT | 21/22 | 27.3/27.6† | 80/130† (p=0.001) | - | - |
Kanamori |
PCM | Retrospective | 47/49 | 26/30† | 77/85† (p=0.38) | 100/88 (p=0.015) | 100/84 (p=0.003) |
Yoshida |
PCM (only for lesions with severe fibrosis) | Retrospective | 21/99 | 30.1/34.5* | 79.6/118.8* (p<0.001) | 95.2/74.7 (p=0.03) | 85.7/54.5 (p=0.04) |
Yamasaki |
Clip line (modified) | RCT | 42/42 | 37/36†,¶ | 40/70† (p<0.001) | 100/100 | 93/98 (p=0.3) |
Takezawa |
PCM | Retrospective | 280/263 | 35.3/35.7† | 69.5/78.7*,‡ (p=0.676) | 100/96 (p<0.001) | 91/85 (p=0.033) |
Harada |
PCM | RCT | 46/45 | 32.5/34†,¶ | 29.5/41† (p<0.001) | 100/100 | 100/100 |
Ye |
Magnetic beads | Retrospective§ | 13/13 | 589/628†,‖ | 21/16†,‡ (p=0.143) | 100/92.3 (p=1.0) | 100/93.2 (p=1.0) |
ESD, endoscopic submucosal dissection; RCT, randomized controlled trial; PCM, pocket creation method.
*Mean; †Median; ‡Dissection speed (mm2/min); §Propensity score matching; ‖Specimen area (mm2); ¶Specimen size.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Traction Methods
Advantage | Disadvantage | |
Esophagus | ||
Clip and line | Simple and easy, invariably provide traction proximally | Uncontrollable traction direction |
Controllable traction tension | ||
Tunneling | No device required, controllable traction tension | Uncontrollable traction direction |
Stomach | ||
Sheath-assisted | Simple and easy | Difficult controlling traction direction |
Controllable traction tension | Synchronous movement of sheath and scope | |
Clip and line | Simple and easy, controllable traction tension | Uncontrollable traction direction |
Synchronous movement of scope and line | ||
Double scope | Controllable traction tension and direction | Synchronous movement of forceps and scope |
Elastic band/S-O clip | Controllable traction direction | Uncontrollable traction tension |
Independent movement of scope and device | ||
Tunneling | No device required, controllable traction tension | Uncontrollable traction direction |
Challenging hemostasis for massive bleeding inside tunnel | ||
Pocket creation | No device required, controllable traction tension | Technically demanding to complete mucosal incision after pocket creation |
Challenging hemostasis for massive bleeding inside pocket | ||
Colorectum | ||
Double scope | Controllable traction tension and direction | Inapplicable to the proximal colon |
Synchronous movement of forceps and scope | ||
Clip and line | Applicable to the proximal colon | Uncontrollable traction direction |
Synchronous movement of scope and line | ||
Elastic band/S-O clip | Controllable traction direction | Uncontrollable traction tension |
Applicable to the proximal colon | ||
Independent movement of scope and device | ||
Pocket creation | No device required, controllable traction tension | Technically demanding to complete mucosal incision after pocket creation |
Applicable to the proximal colon | ||
Magnetic beads | Controllable traction direction and tension | Limited availability and high medical cost |
Applicable to the proximal colon | ||
Independent movement of scope and device |
Gut and Liver 2020; 14(6): 673-684
Published online November 15, 2020
Copyright © Gut and Liver.
Seiichiro Abe1 , Shih Yea Sylvia Wu1
, Mai Ego1
, Hiroyuki Takamaru1
, Masau Sekiguchi1,2
, Masayoshi Yamada1
, Satoru Nonaka1
, Taku Sakamoto1
, Haruhisa Suzuki1
, Shigetaka Yoshinaga1
, Takahisa Matsuda1,2
, Ichiro Oda1
, Yutaka Saito1
1Endoscopy Division, and 2Cancer Screening Center, National Cancer Center Hospital, Tokyo, Japan
Correspondence to:Seiichiro Abe
Endoscopy Division, National Cancer Center Hospital, 5-1-1 Tsukiji, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0045, Japan
Tel: +81-3-3542-2511, Fax: +81-3-3542-3815, E-mail:
This systematic review aimed to assess the efficacy of the current approach to tissue traction during the endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) of superficial esophageal cancer, early gastric cancer, and colorectal neoplasms. We performed a systematic electronic literature search of articles published in PubMed and selected comparative studies to investigate the treatment outcomes of tractionassisted versus conventional ESD. Using the keywords, we retrieved 381 articles, including five eligible articles on the esophagus, 13 on the stomach, and 12 on the colorectum. A total of seven randomized controlled trials and 23 retrospective studies were identified. Clip line traction and submucosal tunneling were effective in reducing the procedural time during esophageal ESD. The efficacy of traction methods in gastric ESD varied in terms of the devices and strategies used depending on the lesion location and degree of submucosal fibrosis. Several prospective and retrospective studies utilized traction devices without the need to reinsert the colonoscope. When pocket creation is included, the traction devices and methods effectively shorten the procedural time during colorectal ESD. Although the efficacy is dependent on the organ and tumor locations, several traction techniques have been demonstrated to be efficacious in facilitating ESD by maintaining satisfactory traction during dissection.
Keywords: Endoscopic submucosal dissection, Traction, Early gastric cancer, Esophageal neoplasms, Colorectal neoplasms
Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) is a minimally invasive treatment allowing for
One of the reasons contributing to technical difficulty is the lack of traction. During surgical procedure, surgeons are able to access and provide direct traction to the tissue to be dissected. In contrast, endoscopists do not have the benefit of hand-assisted traction during ESD without the use of specific devices and methods. Previously percutaneous tissue traction and magnetic anchor traction were introduced for gastric ESD during 2000s in Japan.10,11 However, the former was invasive and challenging in terms of obtaining optimal traction direction, and the latter required a sizable extracorporeal electromagnetic control system not always feasible in an endoscopy room. Similarly, sinker assisted ESD was reported by Saito
Several novel traction devices and strategy have been introduced and developed to facilitate ESD. The aim of this systematic review was to assess the efficacy of the current approach to tissue traction during ESD of superficial esophageal cancer, EGC, and colorectal neoplasms.
In this study, the traction method was defined as novel endoscopic devices and techniques, not including the well-recognized cap and gravity assisted traction known to facilitate ESD. We performed a systematic electronic literature search for articles on ESD traction methods and techniques published in PubMed from 2000 until May 2019. Two authors (S.A. and S.Y.S.W.) independently participated in the literature search, study selection, and data extraction. The search terms included “endoscopic submucosal dissection” and “traction or tunnel or pocket,” and was limited to fully-published comparative ESD studies of the esophagus, stomach, colon and rectum in English and adult human studies. Case reports, single-arm case series, and animal studies were excluded. Moreover, ESD studies of subepithelial neoplasms were also excluded. Using a standardized data extraction form, the following information were collected from each study: patient demographics, the efficacy of the traction technique, and adverse events.
Using the listed keywords, 381 articles were retrieved. We identified 30 eligible studies in the systematic literature search: five articles of the esophagus, 13 of the stomach and 12 of the colorectum. Seven randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and 23 retrospective studies were included. Of the retrospective studies, propensity matching score analysis was performed in five. There was no disagreement of the literature search between the two authors.
Esophageal ESD is technically challenging for several reasons. Firstly, the narrow lumen of the esophagus renders gravity countertraction less effective. Secondly, the resected specimen retracts distally during dissection, making it difficult to maintain orientation and adequate traction. Furthermore, the thin wall of the esophagus increases the risk of perforation.13 In the systematic literature search, one RCT and four retrospective comparative esophageal ESD studies were included. Three studies investigated the efficacy of clip line traction, and the remaining two articles evaluated endoscopic submucosal tunneling dissection (ESTD) compared with conventional ESD (Table 1).14-18
Clip line traction is a simple and an inexpensive technique to obtain traction during ESD.19 An endoclip is inserted through the accessory channel of a gastroscope, and a thread, typically dental floss, is tied to the tip of the endoclip outside the patient. The clip with thread is then applied to the proximal edge of the lesion. The thread is pulled through the mouth proximally and gentle pressure applied to the string, thereby optimizing visualization of the submucosal layer throughout dissection. One RCT by Koike
ESTD is the technique in which the mucosal incision of the proximal and then distal margins are performed sequentially, followed by making a communication between the two ends dissecting the submucosa proximal to distally. The advantage of ESTD is the ability to achieve a stable scope position inside the tunnel, with improved visualization of the submucosal space due to the effective tissue traction maintained during the procedure (Fig 1). ESTD is indicted for lesions >20 mm in diameter and involving at least one third of the esophageal circumference.20 A propensity matching analysis by Huang
Although one retrospective study did not show superiority of traction-assisted ESD of the esophagus, traction methods overall were safe and effective in reducing procedural time and avoiding muscle injury during esophageal ESD. Further multicenter RCTs will provide a more definitive conclusion.
Among the 13 eligible articles of gastric ESD, we identified two RCTs, and 11 retrospective comparative studies.22-34 Ten studies compared the efficacy of ESD traction devices, and three other studies investigated the efficacy of traction strategy compared with conventional ESD (Table 2).
Clip line traction, including some modified methods, was the most commonly identified traction device in gastric ESD. Both clips and lines are readily available and inexpensive. Three studies used dental floss because the knot in the dental floss on the clip remains tight and would not loosen. Only minimal mucosal injury may be caused by the dental floss as it is shaped like a flat ribbon, in contrast to silk suture which is thin and cylindrical in shape (Fig. 2).31 Based on the results of the two single-center retrospective studies showing dental floss clip (DFC) line traction significantly shortened ESD procedural time compared with conventional ESD,31,32 a RCT (CONNECT-G) was conducted. This study included 319 patients undergoing DFC-ESD, and 316 patients undergoing conventional ESD in the analysis. There was no significant difference in the mean ESD procedural time (58.1 and 60.7 minutes for conventional ESD and DFC-ESD, respectively p=0.45). Although the study did not meet the primary endpoint, perforation was significantly less frequent in the DFC-ESD group (0.3% vs 2.2%, p=0.04). Moreover, sub-analysis showed that for lesions located in the greater curvature of the upper or middle stomach, the mean procedural time was significantly shorter in the DFC-ESD group (57.2 minutes vs 104.1 minutes, p=0.01). DFC traction pulls lesions in the direction of the cardia, providing direct, vertical traction force on the mucosal flap lifting it from the submucosa, and allowing appropriate visualization of the dissection line for problematic lesions located in the greater curvature of the upper or middle stomach.33
Double scope method was also reported to be effective in reducing the procedural time in ESD of EGC with ulcerative scars.26 An RCT of ESD by nonexpert endoscopists was conducted by Ahn
There are reasons unique to colorectal ESD making it a challenging procedure, compared to ESD of neoplasms in other anatomical locations. The thinner colonic walls especially in the proximal colon, the presence of flexures and folds, and peristaltic movements are some of the factors which impact on the ESD procedures.35 Along with ongoing refinement of devices and techniques, traction methods have been developed for these reasons. Over the recent few years, the traction methods utilized can be applied to lesions located in any section of the colorectum. Certain former techniques were limited to sigmoid-rectal lesions,36 or some required the withdrawal and reinsertion of scope for lesions in the proximal colon. In total, there were four RCTs and eight retrospective comparative studies reporting on traction methods for colorectal ESD fitting the criteria described under the method section (Table 3).36-47
As mentioned in the former chapter, clip line traction is regarded as an uncomplicated technique to obtain satisfactory traction. However, it is troublesome during colorectal ESD if withdrawal of the endoscope is required to attach a string to an endoclip outside the patient, before reinsertion and continuing with the dissection. Various modifications to the clip line have been demonstrated to be effective for colorectal ESD, as well as in the stomach.37,39,41,44 Yamasaki
S-O clip is a novel device designed by Sakamoto
There were smaller retrospective comparative studies which have devised other traction strategy. Ye
There were several studies documenting the efficacy of the pocket creation method (PCM). PCM was introduced and developed by the Hayashi and Yamamoto group.51,52 In this procedure, a mucosal entry was first created, allowing the endoscope to enter the submucosal space. The submucosal pocket was advanced not only in a forward fashion but also laterally both ways. After creating the pocket, mucosal incision was extended segmentally from the edges of the submucosal pocket (Fig. 4). This method prevents injection leakage, and maintains a stable scope position inside the pocket while sustaining good traction. This approach also allows for tangential scope access even in challenging locations. In the retrospective study conducted by the Takezawa
All colonic ESD studies were single-centered, and further multicenter trials are warranted to examine the generalizability and applicability of these results.
Over the recent years, several traction methods have been applied to facilitate technically demanding ESD. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first review article summarizing and providing an overview of the efficacy of ESD traction techniques according to the organ systems. Five articles of traction methods in the esophagus, 13 in the stomach, and 12 in the colon and rectum were included.
In esophageal ESD, clip line traction was commonly used and shown to significantly reduce the procedural time in one RCT. Because esophagus is a straight tube with little diversity, invariably traction can be applied proximally and maintained until the end of the procedure regardless of the lesion size and location. Additionally, submucosal tunneling technique allows a stable scope position inside the tunnel while providing sufficient traction in the straight lumen of the esophagus. This enables faster submucosal dissection as demonstrated by the two retrospective studies. Moreover, muscle injury was less likely to occur in both the clip line traction and tunneling techniques.
In gastric ESD, there was no significant difference in the procedural time between traction-assisted ESD and conventional ESD in the two RCTs. Gastric ESD is considered to be technically less demanding than esophageal and colorectal ESD, because stomach has a wider working space and the muscle layer is much thicker than that of esophagus and colon. Basic traction technique using gravity or endoscopic cap may provide adequate traction, and clip line traction is shown to be effective only for challenging locations such as the greater curvature of the upper gastric body as shown by Yoshida
Although standard clip line traction is effective in ESD of upper gastrointestinal tract, it is not feasible during colonic ESD because of the need to withdraw and reinsert the colonoscopes. Thus, some modified clip line traction and the unique S-O clip, which do not interfere with endoscope maneuverability, are more prevalent and both have been shown to be effective in a few RCTs. In addition, PCM is advantageous in maintaining tissue traction during colorectal ESD. Preferred traction methods can be selected depending on the tumor location. In terms of all the studies to date, there are currently no head to head comparisons between the traction techniques.
Advantages and disadvantages of traction methods are shown in Table 4. Ideally, a systematic data analysis was desirable, however, it was very difficult to analyze the entire data and perform a meta-analysis owing to several large heterogeneities of the inclusion criteria of the lesion as well as traction devices and techniques among studies. Further prospective studies are warranted to confirm the evidence of traction-assisted ESD.
This article systematically reviewed comparative studies to investigate the efficacy of current traction devices and strategy. Although the effectiveness is dependent on the organ and tumor location, traction techniques facilitate ESD procedures mainly in reducing the procedural time and or dissection time overall.
No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.
Study concept and design: S.A. Data acquisition and interpretation: S.A., S.Y.S.W., M.E. Drafting of the manuscript: S.A., S.Y.S.W., M.E. Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: H.T., M.S., M.Y., S.N., T.S., H.S., S.Y., T.M., I.O., Y.S. Final approval of the manuscript: I.O., Y.S.
Table 1. Clinical Outcomes between Traction-Assisted ESD and Conventional ESD of the Esophagus
Author (year) | Traction method | Design | Cases, n | Lesion size, | Specimen size, | Procedure time, min | Dissection speed, mm2/min | Complete resection, % (study/control) | |
Ota | Clip and line | Retrospective | 67/20 | 28.1/26.4* | - | 104/156* | - | - | - |
Koike | Clip and line | RCT | 20/20 | 24.0/27.0† | 35.5/37.0† | 19.8/31.8*,‡ | - | 100/100 | - |
Xie | Clip and line | Retrospective | 50/50 | 40.0/43.0† | - | 27.58/34.79†,‡ | - | - | - |
Zhang | Tunneling | Retrospective | 52/98 | - | 15.37/12.95*,§ | 93.2/92.4* | 21.5/16.1* | 96.15/88.78 | 84.62/86.73 |
Huang | Tunneling | Retrospective‖ | 38/38 | - | 39.0/36.0† | 38.0/48.0† | 23/17† | 100/100 | 100/94.7 |
ESD, endoscopic submucosal dissection; RCT, randomized controlled trial.
*Mean; †Median; ‡Dissection time; §Specimen area (cm2); ‖Propensity score matching.
Table 2. Clinical Outcomes between Traction-Assisted ESD and Conventional ESD of the Stomach
Author (year) | Traction method | Design | Cases, n | Lesion size, | Specimen size, | Procedure time, min | Complete resection, | |
Hijikata | Sheath-assisted | Retrospective | 25/43 | 40.0/38.1† | - | 75.0/108.1† (p<0.05) | 100/100 | - |
Okamoto | Clip and line/clip line | Retrospective | 15/15/15 | 15/14/14* | - | 62/84/96* (p=0.019 | - | 100/100/100 |
Ahn | Double scope | RCT | 26/25 | 20.5/19.4† | - | 29.2/26.2† (p=0.33) | 100/100 | 96.2/96.0 |
Higuchi | Double scope | Retrospective | 30/27‡ | 20/18* | 45/43* | 80/101* (p=0.22) | 100/89 | 90/78 |
Masumoto | Elastic band | Retrospective | 37/37 | - | 39.8/32.6* | 3.18/6.3*,§ (p<0.01) | - | - |
Suzuki | Clip and line | Retrospective‖ | 43/43 | - | 37.3/39.3† | 82.2/118.2† (p=0.002) | 97.7/100 | 90.7/95.3 |
Yoshida | Clip and line | Retrospective | 95/104 | 17/16† | 46/46† | 43/52† (p<0.01) | 100/100 | 97.1/96.2 |
Noda | Clip and line with a snare sheath | Retrospective | 54/34 | - | 34/30* | 60/90* (p=0.015) | 100/97.1 | - |
Yoshida | Clip and line | RCT | 319/316 | 15.7/15.5† | 39.2/39.0† | 58.1/60.7† (p=0.45) | 100/100 | 97.8/96.8 |
Hashimoto | S-O clip | Retrospective‖ | 48/48 | - | 37.4/35.1† | 47.2/69.2† (p=0.035) | 100/100 | - |
Feng | Tunneling | Retrospective | 7/7 | - | 1,181.99/1,166.29†,¶ | 69.0/87.7† (p=0.01) | 100/100 | 85.7/100 |
Harada | Saline pocket | Retrospective‖ | 48/48 | 15.0/15.5* | 34.0/32.5* | 27.5/41.0* (p<0.001) | 100/100 | 97.9/95.8 |
Zhang | Tunneling | Retrospective | 32/55** | - | 1,573.0 vs 930.1†,¶ | 83.7/136.7† (p<0.01) | 100/87.3 | - |
ESD, endoscopic submucosal dissection; RCT, randomized controlled trial.
*Median; †Mean; ‡Only early gastric cancer with ulceration; §Dissection time per cm2 (min/cm2); ‖Propensity score matching; ¶Specimen area (mm2); **Included only the lesion in the lesser curvature.
Table 3. Clinical Outcomes between Traction-Assisted ESD and Conventional ESD of the Colorectum
Author (year) | Traction method | Design | Cases, n | Tumor size, mm | Procedure time, min | Complete resection, | |
Uraoka | Double scope | Retrospective | 21/16 | 43.6/42.4* | 96/116* (p=0.18) | 100/100 | - |
Okamoto | Clip line (with balloon overtube) | Retrospective | 15/15 | 37.3/36.1* | 126/165* (p<0.05) | - | 93.3/86.6 |
Ritsuno | S-O line | RCT | 27/23 | 33.5/37.8* | 37.4/67.1* (p=0.03) | 100/95.7 (p=0.28) | - |
Yamada | Clip line | Retrospective | 17/123 | 32.5/33.9* | 45.6/70.1* (p=0.047) | 100/96.7 (p=1) | 100/91.1 (p=0.36) |
Sakamoto | PCM | Retrospective | 73/53 | 27/25† | 19/14†,‡ (p=0.03) | 100/92 (p=0.03) | 93/91 (p=0.74) |
Mori | Clip line (clip and | RCT | 21/22 | 27.3/27.6† | 80/130† (p=0.001) | - | - |
Kanamori | PCM | Retrospective | 47/49 | 26/30† | 77/85† (p=0.38) | 100/88 (p=0.015) | 100/84 (p=0.003) |
Yoshida | PCM (only for lesions with severe fibrosis) | Retrospective | 21/99 | 30.1/34.5* | 79.6/118.8* (p<0.001) | 95.2/74.7 (p=0.03) | 85.7/54.5 (p=0.04) |
Yamasaki | Clip line (modified) | RCT | 42/42 | 37/36†,¶ | 40/70† (p<0.001) | 100/100 | 93/98 (p=0.3) |
Takezawa | PCM | Retrospective | 280/263 | 35.3/35.7† | 69.5/78.7*,‡ (p=0.676) | 100/96 (p<0.001) | 91/85 (p=0.033) |
Harada | PCM | RCT | 46/45 | 32.5/34†,¶ | 29.5/41† (p<0.001) | 100/100 | 100/100 |
Ye | Magnetic beads | Retrospective§ | 13/13 | 589/628†,‖ | 21/16†,‡ (p=0.143) | 100/92.3 (p=1.0) | 100/93.2 (p=1.0) |
ESD, endoscopic submucosal dissection; RCT, randomized controlled trial; PCM, pocket creation method.
*Mean; †Median; ‡Dissection speed (mm2/min); §Propensity score matching; ‖Specimen area (mm2); ¶Specimen size.
Table 4. Advantages and Disadvantages of Traction Methods
Advantage | Disadvantage | |
Esophagus | ||
Clip and line | Simple and easy, invariably provide traction proximally | Uncontrollable traction direction |
Controllable traction tension | ||
Tunneling | No device required, controllable traction tension | Uncontrollable traction direction |
Stomach | ||
Sheath-assisted | Simple and easy | Difficult controlling traction direction |
Controllable traction tension | Synchronous movement of sheath and scope | |
Clip and line | Simple and easy, controllable traction tension | Uncontrollable traction direction |
Synchronous movement of scope and line | ||
Double scope | Controllable traction tension and direction | Synchronous movement of forceps and scope |
Elastic band/S-O clip | Controllable traction direction | Uncontrollable traction tension |
Independent movement of scope and device | ||
Tunneling | No device required, controllable traction tension | Uncontrollable traction direction |
Challenging hemostasis for massive bleeding inside tunnel | ||
Pocket creation | No device required, controllable traction tension | Technically demanding to complete mucosal incision after pocket creation |
Challenging hemostasis for massive bleeding inside pocket | ||
Colorectum | ||
Double scope | Controllable traction tension and direction | Inapplicable to the proximal colon |
Synchronous movement of forceps and scope | ||
Clip and line | Applicable to the proximal colon | Uncontrollable traction direction |
Synchronous movement of scope and line | ||
Elastic band/S-O clip | Controllable traction direction | Uncontrollable traction tension |
Applicable to the proximal colon | ||
Independent movement of scope and device | ||
Pocket creation | No device required, controllable traction tension | Technically demanding to complete mucosal incision after pocket creation |
Applicable to the proximal colon | ||
Magnetic beads | Controllable traction direction and tension | Limited availability and high medical cost |
Applicable to the proximal colon | ||
Independent movement of scope and device |